Engineers who can transform the future

Christophe Lerouge, president of IMT Atlantique
Christophe Lerouge,
president of IMT Atlantique

Our mission is to welcome and support the future generation of engineers  ̶  those who aspire to live and develop professionally in a different way. All the indicators point to this desire in tomorrow’s engineers, and we understand.

This generation has questions about the role it will play in a world that is under attack, mistreated, weakened environmentally, politically and societally, and at the same time filled with advanced technologies, artificial intelligence and virtual realities.
This generation is preparing to transform this future!

Throughout your studies at IMT Atlantique, you will acquire the skills that will enable you to embark on a promising career but also to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow: global warming, reindustrialization, a more inclusive society, etc. 

As a technological university for the Ministry of Industry and Digital Technologies, IMT Atlantique combines digital, energy and environmental technologies to meet these challenges.

The research work carried out in the school's laboratories aims to bring together excellence in expertise and interdisciplinarity in order to provide concrete answers to the problems we all face.

Vision and strategy

Combining digital technology and energy science for the transformation of society and industry through training, research and innovation.

Ecological and Societal Transformation

How can we respond to the challenges of climate change and to questions about our development model? IMT Atlantique is at the forefront of these issues and has adopted a clear position and defined its main orientations on  "ecological and social transformation".

IMT Atlantique, a technological university

IMT Atlantique is one of the top 10 engineering schools in France, one of the top 400 universities in the world in THE World University Ranking.

Organizational Chart

Organization chart of teaching and research departments

Member of Institut Mines-Télécom

The number one group of engineering and management graduate schools in France

Policies and Processes

IMT Atlantique's policies, processes and commitments are defined to guide and inform academics, researchers, staff, students, guest lecturers, temporary workers and subcontractors.