To access Internet via the wireless network (WiFi), several possibilities exist, depending on your status:
- you have been admitted to IMT Atlantique as a student or member of staff. On arrival, you will be given a computer account giving you access to the wired network and to the WiFi network. On arrival, students or visitors in residence on the Brest or Rennes sites should contact the ResEl association which manages the residence network. On the Nantes campus, the connection is managed by the IT department. Eduroam connections are possible;
- you are a member of an institution that is a member of the EDUROAM project that provides secure internet mobility for the teaching-research community. In this case, your email account (in the form login@etablissement,) allows you to authenticate yourself, provided that you have previously configured your WiFi terminal.
- you are visiting the insitution and the person who invites you or welcomes you has created an account for you (login/password/period of validity). In this case, you have access to the PORTAIL_INVITE network (no specific configuration of the computer is necessary). In case you don't have a login, you can request a connection at the reception.
The use of any of these access facilities implies, among other things, the acceptance and respect of :
- the charter concerning the use of IT resources at IMT Atlantique
- the charter of good use of IT and the Renater network (annexed to the IMT Atlantique charter above)