Network Systems, Cyber Security and Digital Law - Innovation and technology transfer
Innovation and technology transfer
Several start-ups have emerged from the department’s research programme, with the technology transfer supported by IMT Atlantique's Rennes incubator. These include:
• YoGoKo (an innovative solution for communication between wired and/or wireless multi-connected hardware):
• Acklio (a unifier of low-energy wireless networks):
• Lamane (Advanced solution for data anonymization and valorisation):
Several members of the department are also seconded part-time to the Institute of Technological Research, B<>Com. This institute, born out of a public-private partnership, aims to accelerate the development and placement on the market of tools, products and services for improving daily life, through research and innovation in digital technologies. It focuses on: hypermedia and faster ultra-broadband networks, two research areas that are at the core of the Department of Network Systems, Cyber Security and Digital Law.