Subatech, Subatomic Physics and Technologies - Research

Subatech is a joint research laboratory (UMR 6457) affiliated to three supervising administrations: CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) - IN2P3 (French national institute of nuclear and particle physics), IMT Atlantique, University of Nantes. The fields of expertise, in both fundamental and applied research, and the societal issues are:

  • The High Energy Universe
  • Nuclear energy and the environment, societal challenges
  • Nuclear energy and health

Laboratory Director: Ginés Martinez

Read more on the web page of the laboratory

Les projets de recherche au département
Ongoing project
MultI-recycling strategies of LWR SNF focusing on MOlten SAlt technology

The MIMOSA project is a European HORIZON-Euratom project started in 2022 and selected on call for projects NRT-01-03 Multi-recycling of spent fuel from Light Water Reactors (LWR). It is coordinated by ORANO with partners such as the SUBATECH laboratory under the triple supervision of the Institut Mines-Télécom through its school, IMT Atlantique, Nantes University and the CNRS with the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics (IN2P3) as the main institute. The project will last 4 years and the EU funding is about 6.9 Millions of euros. The MIMOSA project will devise and demonstrate an integrated multi-recycling strategy of plutonium and uranium combining multi- recycling options in LWRs with recycling Pu and other transuranics today considered as waste in Chloride Molten Salt Reactors.

Horizon Europe
Ongoing project
Laser Ionisation Mass Separation for Environmental and Health Applications
Projet CPER
Ongoing project
Raising a new generation of nuclear experts

Nuclear and radiochemistry (NRC) expertise is necessary to maintain European nuclear operations. It is also relevant in the process of decontamination and decommissioning, waste management and environmental monitoring. Moreover, there are several non-energy fields of NRC applications requiring such expertise, ranging from radiopharmaceuticals, radiological diagnostics and therapy to dating in geology and archaeology and more. The EU-funded A-CINCH project aims at mitigating the decreasing interest in the study of nuclear subjects. It will focus on students and teachers from secondary schools up to academia as well as end users in the field, using a 'learn through play' concept including a virtual radiochemistry laboratory, NRC MOOC, RoboLabs, high school teaching packages etc.

Horizon Europe
Ongoing project
Severe Accident Modeling and Safety Assessment for Fluid-fuel Energy Reactors

Within the SAMOSAFER project, the challenge is to develop new assessment and simulation tools for this Gen-IV reactor with respect to these innovative safety features.

Horizon 2020
Ongoing project
Observation of beauty and quarkonia with the upgraded ALICE at the LHC

For a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang, the universe consisted of an extremely hot mix of the elementary particles quarks and gluons at a temperature a couple of hundred thousand times that at the centre of the sun.

Over the past several decades, physicists working with particle accelerators have been smashing nucleus together at tremendous speeds to recreate this quark–gluon plasma (QGP). The experiments are shedding light on the birth of our universe.

Horizon 2020