
History of Télécom Bretagne

  • 1974 - Pierre Lelong, Secretary of State for PTT, decides to set up a second school of Telecommunications which will be located in Brest: ENST Bretagne.
  • 1977 - First intake of 31 students.
  • 1983 - First thesis prepared and defended at ENST Bretagne.
  • 1986 - The first masters courses at ENST Bretagne. Creation of the Rennes site.
  • 1991 - Claude Berrou, researcher in electronics and computer science, files the first patent on turbocodes.
  • 1997 - Creation of the Group of Telecommunication Universities.
  • 2000 - Publication of the ministerial order authorizing ENST Bretagne to deliver doctorates jointly with universities and national polytechnic institutes. Inauguration of the Brest business incubator by the Secretary of State for SMEs, Marylise Lebranchu.
  • 2001 - Inauguration of the Rennes business incubator
  • 2003 - Inauguration of Optogone, the first company from ENST Bretagne incubator to be run by the Institution’s teacher-researchers.
  • 2005 - Graduation of the first intake of engineers from the apprenticeship program: 37 graduates specialising in IT, networks and telecommunications.
  • 2007 - Creation of an ENST Bretagne virtual campus in Second Life. Creation of the Toulouse site. Participation in the creation of the European University of Brittany.
  • 2008 - ENST Bretagne becomes Télécom Bretagne and the Group of Telecommunication Higher Education institutions is renamed Institut Télécom. Claude Berrou is elected to the Academy of Sciences.
  • 2009 - Commissioning of the Vigisat satellite reception station operated by CLS. Implementation of the sustainable development policy: construction of the Salle Méridienne, the Institution’s first wood-frame building.
  • 2012 - The Institut Télécom becomes the Institut Mines-Télécom. Creation of Téléfab: Télécom Bretagne's fablab.
  • 2013 - Commissioning of the UEB's first immersive telepresence room on the Télécom Bretagne campus.
  • 2014 - Signing of the financing agreement for the Breton digital C@mpus at Télécom Bretagne by Geneviève Fioraso, Minister of Higher Education and Research. Creation of the Cyber Defence of Naval Systems Chair  (French research consortium) with the École Navale, DCNS and Thales.
  • 2015 - Inauguration of the astronomical observatory on the Brest campus by Jean-Loup Chrétien and Pierre Léna.

History of Mines Nantes

  • 1990 - Decision in the Council of Ministers to create a 5th École des Mines in Nantes.
  • 1991 - The first intake via continuing education.
  • 1992 - Aymeric Zublena wins the architecture competition. The first intake of engineering students.
  • 1993 - Laying of the foundation stone of the university by Gérard Longuet, Minister of Industry, Posts and Telecommunications and Foreign Trade, and parade through the streets of Nantes.
  • 1994 - Creation of SUBATECH, the SUBAtomic Physics and Associated Technologies laboratory, in the presence of Georges Charpak, winner of Nobel Prize in Physics.
  • 1995 - Inauguration of the Institution by the Prime Minister, Edouard Balladur.
  • 1996 - Launch of La Main à la Pâte under the impetus of Georges Charpak and creation of Action Learning in the physical sciences to develop the acquisition of knowledge through practice.
  • 2006 - Narendra Jussien and his team use sudoku to teach constraint programming in a more playful way.
  • 2007 - Graduation ceremony by Joël Séché, Chairman and CEO of Séché Environnement in the presence of Christine Lagarde, then Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment.
  • 2008 - The Institution’s Agenda 21 sustainable development action plan was adopted by the Board of Directors.
  • 2010 - Launch of the Institution’s endowment fund, in the presence of partner companies. Creation of a research and teaching chair (French research consortium) on metallic products and processes for aeronautics and nuclear energy (the "DAHER chair").
  • 2011 - Mine Nantes welcomes world specialists in biorobotics when it hosts the International Workshop on Bio-inspired Robots.
  • 2014 - Commissioning of the new PREVER and SAFEAIR industrial platforms in the Energy Systems and Environment Department. Inauguration of a new building and 20 years of the SUBATECH laboratory.
  • 2015 - During the launch of the new France industrielle à l’École program, Emmanuel Macron, Minister for the Economy, Industry and the Digital World, meets the young business creators from the Institution’s incubator.