SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions

SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions

IMT Atlantique promotes the advent of peaceful societies open to all and the establishment of efficient, responsible and open institutions through research projects and the college of societal transitions.

I- Elected representatives for staff, teachers and students

Within IMT Atlantique, there are a large number of bodies where students, whatever their course of study (undergraduate and postgraduate), are represented by their peers. When students are present in these bodies, they are listened to and heard. They are often asked to bring the student perspective to the table.

There are different electoral colleges of the School Council, in accordance with article 4 of the Order of 5 December 2016 relating to IMT Atlantique (see LEGIFRANCE NOR: ECFG1633841A JORF n°0293 of 17 December 2016)

  • A college of professors, research directors, research masters and study directors: two representatives,
  • A college of lecturers, assistant lecturers, research fellows, study engineers, teaching-research fellows and lecturers: three representatives,
  • A college of other staff employed at the School, i.e. administrative and management staff, engineers, technical and logistical staff: three representatives,
  • A college of student users (initial engineering training, engineering training by apprenticeship, masters and masters): three representatives, - A college of doctoral student users: one representative.

II - The School's Student Associations

IMT Atlantique recognises the various student associations that are vital to the life of the School. There are more than 10 of them on the different campuses of the School.

  • Student life associations
    The following associations contribute to the establishment of a varied and diversified student life on the different campuses of the school.
  • Student associations
    Student associations are present on the Brest, Nantes and Rennes campuses.  The aim of the SAs is to encourage, support and supervise the extracurricular activities of IMT Atlantique students on the different campuses.
  • Sports associations
    Sports associations are present on the Brest and Nantes campuses. The aim of the sports associations is to encourage, support and supervise the practice of physical, sporting and outdoor activities in all their forms by the students of the school.
  • Artistic and cultural associations
    The artistic and cultural associations are present on the Brest and Nantes campuses. The aim of the ACA is to promote cultural and artistic activities on the school's campuses.
  • International students' associations
    The international students' associations are present on the Brest and Nantes campuses. The AIs aim to welcome international students and facilitate their integration on the school's campuses.
  • The Atlantique Sans Frontières Humanitarian Association
    ASF regularly organises charity events on the Brest and Nantes campuses. It also offers students the opportunity to get involved in a humanitarian project during their studies.
  • Other Student Associations
    • Junior Atlantique: Junior Atlantique is part of the Junior Enterprise network. It has branches on the Brest campus and on the Nantes campus, each offering services to companies in connection with the specialities present on the campus.
    • Le ReSel: network access provider on the Brest and Rennes campuses, this 100% student association applies its knowledge of telecommunications and networks to provide a stable, state-of-the-art service to all its members.

III. Cyber Physical Security and terrorist attacks

Works on the elaboration of an approach to attenuate cyber-physical attacks driven by reflective programmable networking actions, in order to take control of adversarial actions against cyber-physical systems. Hub transportation networks are vulnerable to uncertainties such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks. We investigate the single-allocation p-hub location problems and the effect of uncertainties on deliveries. Works on a dynamic database crypto-watermarking scheme that enables a cloud service provider to verify the integrity of encrypted databases outsourced by different users.

IV. College of Societal Transitions

Creation of the College of Societal Transitions, a member of the national network of Colleges for Higher Studies in Sustainable Development (CHEDD), a think & do tank for the priority attention of all stakeholders in the region: A training platform for decision-makers, conference-debates open to as many people as possible, research actions and experiments on societal transitions to be initiated. Its vocation is to promote, in institutional, socio-economic, associative circles and more broadly within civil society, a shared culture on societal issues as well as to encourage the engagement of transitional actions.

V. Academic Freedom Policy

IMT Atlantique has put in place a policy on supporting academic freedom to allow researchers to choose areas of research and to speak and teach publicly about the area of their research

See the Academic Freedom Policy

Scientific publications SDG 16

  • Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 11980 LNCS, 2020, Pages 19-345th International Workshop on Security of Industrial Control Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems, CyberICPS 2019, the 3rd International Workshop on Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering, SECPRE 2019, the 1st International Workshop on Security, Privacy, Organizations, and Systems Engineering, SPOSE 2019, and the 2nd International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things, ADIoT 2019, held in conjunction with the 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2019; Luxembourg City; Luxembourg; 26 September 2019 through 27 September 2019; Code 237809
    Reflective attenuation of cyber-physical attacks
    Segovia, M., Cavalli, A.R., Cuppens, N., Rubio-Hernan, J., Garcia-Alfaro, J.
  • Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation ReviewVolume 123, March 2019, Pages 90-120
    Reliable single-allocation hub location problem with disruptions
    Mohammadi, M., Jula, P., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.
  • Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Volume 11378 LNCS, 2019, Pages 151-16617th International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Watermarking, IWDW 2018; Jeju Island; South Korea; 22 October 2018 through 24 October 2018; Code 223429
    Dynamic watermarking-based integrity protection of homomorphically encrypted databases - application to outsourced genetic data (Conference Paper)
    Niyitegeka, D., Coatrieux, G., Bellafqira, R., Genin, E., Franco-Contreras, J
Mission de Recherche et d’Innovation


I. Projets de recherche contribuant à rendre les institutions plus justes et efficaces

I.1. Le projet IAAP

Ce projet part du constat que l’« algorithmisation de la vie sociale », soit la mise en algorithme d’un nombre de plus en plus important d’activités sociales, reconfigure de manière importante les méthodes par lesquelles nos sociétés produisent de la connaissance sur elles-mêmes et se gouvernent.

La police n’échappe pas à ces innovations numériques et aux mutations du travail qu’elles génèrent. Ce projet de recherche porte sur les façons dont le renouveau récent des techniques d’intelligence artificielle (IA, et plus spécifiquement l’apprentissage profond fonctionnant avec des réseaux de neurones) transforme à la fois les modes de connaissance des phénomènes de déviance et les dispositifs de prévention et de sécurité.

I.2. Le projet MeDeMAP

Ce projet vise à clarifier dans quelle mesure les médias européens remplissent leurs fonctions démocratiques. Ce projet aboutira au développement d'un outil permettant de surveiller et d'analyser les environnements de l'information politique afin d'en tirer des lignes directrices pour soutenir les développements qui favorisent la démocratie et contrecarrer les phénomènes qui peuvent la mettre en péril.

I.3. Le projet BC4SSI

Ce projet vise à étudier et à développer un nouveau paradigme de blockchain publique pour gérer les SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity). Malgré leur capacité impressionnante à permettre à un grand nombre de participants inconnus de se mettre d'accord sur l'état du système, les blockchains souffrent de diverses limitations, dont certaines deviendront durablement un obstacle majeur pour les services exploitant les blockchains.

BC4SSI se concentrera sur quatre de ces verrous scientifiques afin de déployer un SSI public utilisable par toute personne disposant d'un smartphone classique permettant aux utilisateurs d'interagir avec des services quotidiens.



II. IMT Atlantique travaille à la protection des données, notamment de santé

Alors que la médecine et la génétique font de plus en plus appel à la science des données et à l’IA, la question de la protection de ces informations sensibles s’impose à tous les acteurs de la santé. Une équipe du laboratoire LaTIM d'IMT Atlantique travaille sur ces questions, avec des solutions comme le chiffrement ou le tatouage de données. Elle est labellisée par l’Inserm.

La recherche effectuée par IMT Atlantique dans ce domaine a essaimé au sein d'une spinoff, Watoo, dont le professeur d'IMT Atlantique Gouenou Coatrieux est conseiller scientifique. Elle propose des outils d’identification et de dissuasion, pour lutter contre la fuite, les détournements et les falsifications de données sensibles, avec notamment le tatouage numérique. Elle valorise plusieurs brevets de l'école



III. Article de recherche en 2022 en lien avec l'ODD 16

En 2022, IMT Atlantique entreprend des recherches actives en lien avec l'ODD 16 sur les tableaux de bord Learning Analytics (LAD). Ce sont des outils de visualisation de données conçus pour permettre aux enseignants et aux apprenants de prendre des décisions utiles qui ont un impact sur le processus d'apprentissage.

En raison de leur émergence relativement récente et de la rareté des études sur leurs principes de conception, la conception des tableaux de bord reste un domaine d'investigation majeur dans la recherche en Learning Analytics, et la diffusion à grande échelle auprès de leurs parties prenantes reste limitée.

Nous favorisons les approches centrées sur l'humain pour la conception des LAD, car leur succès en termes d'acceptation et d'adoption dépend grandement du niveau d'implication des parties prenantes dans leur conception. Les premières expérimentations lors d'une étude pilote auprès d'enseignants démontrent que l'outil proposé favorise le travail en groupe, et l'approfondissement de l'utilisation des LAD.

  • (2022) Lecture Notes in Computer Science  13450 , pp. 587-593 - 17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2022

   Designing LADs That Promote Sensemaking: A Participatory Tool

   Sadallah M. (IMT-Atlantique); Gillot JM. (IMT-Atlantique); Iksal S.; Quelennec K.; Vermeulen M.; Neyssensas L.; Aubert O.; Venant, R.

Date de création : 2021 / Date de révision : 2022


Updated 10.31.2023 by Annya REQUILE