SDG 2: zéro hunger

SDG 2: zéro hunger

IMT Atlantique works with its research teams and in concrete actions to eliminate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

I. Sustainable Food

We contribute through our research to faced with the challenges associated with sustainably feeding the world’s growing population, the food industry is increasingly relying on operations research (OR) techniques to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability. 

II. Food Security

We analyze the oceans because they play a key role in global issues such as climate change, food security and human health. To meet the urgent, planet-wide challenges we face, methods across all aspects of ocean observing should be broadly adopted by the ocean community and, where appropriate, should evolve into «Ocean Best Practices.»

III. Anaerobic Digestion

The anaerobic digestion process is well studied and developed since the last 50 years, notably for farming implementation. Furthermore, the international energy agenda has shifted in favor of renewable resources. In this context, anaerobic digestion has been highlighted as a valuable source of green energy. This is where our research is headed.

Scientific publications SDG 2


Mission d’Enseignement et de Formation


I. MSc PBPE/Project Management For Food Factories of the Future (PM3F)

IMT Atlantique est co-accréditée avec ONIRIS pour proposer un MSc en Management de Projet Pour les Usines Alimentaires du Futur.

L'objectif du PM3F est de former les futurs chefs de projet ou encadrants capables de gérer des projets d'ingénierie complexes et innovants dans le domaine de l'Ingénierie des Procédés Agroalimentaires et de la Production Agroalimentaire, avec de fortes compétences et préoccupations en matière d'environnement et d'efficacité énergétique dans un contexte international.

Updated 11.05.2023 by Annya REQUILE