SDG 8: decent work and economic growth

SDG 8: decent work and economic growth

IMT Atlantique is committed to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 8 and recognises the importance of sustained, shared and sustainable economic growth to provide decent, quality employment for all. IMT Atlantique aims to eradicate undignified work and to ensure the protection of all employees: men, women, temporary employees, external contributors, subcontractors, suppliers, French and international. It promotes the development of training and employment opportunities for new generations, with a focus on skills development for sustainable jobs.

The public service for the dissemination of the law of the French Republic. Légifrance, published the Journal Officiel N°0131 of 7 June 2016: "Declaration ensuring decent work, a challenge for the global economy" which addresses SDG 8.5: by 2030, achieve full and productive employment and ensure decent work and equal pay for work of equal value for all women and men, including young people and persons with disabilities - NOR: CDHX1614536X - Text n° 47. Subcontracting is governed by Law No. 75-1334 of 31 December 1975 and prohibits the use of concealed work or the employment of foreigners without a permit.

I. Employment and salary practice

IMT Atlantique follows French legislation, and pays all staff a salary equal to or higher than the Smic (Salaire Minimum de Croissance) defined by French legislation. The Smic corresponds to the legal minimum hourly wage (SMIC monthly net: approximately € 1,258) below which the employee cannot be paid. It applies to all employees over 18 years of age, regardless of the form of their remuneration.
IMT Atlantique applies the provisions of the Institut Mines Télécom's "Management Framework", approved by its Board of Directors, which sets guaranteed minimum basic salaries.

II. Employment practice, social dialogue and trade unions

Social dialogue with staff representatives and trade unions is an essential element for the proper functioning of IMT Atlantique and the IMT. 
Trade union rights apply to all IMT Atlantique staff: men and women, employees on permanent or fixed-term contracts, French or international employees

Trade union law

"All staff of the institution have the right to join and belong to the professional union of their choice. IMT Atlantique undertakes not to take into consideration the possible membership of a staff member in a trade union in order to take decisions, in particular with regard to recruitment, work distribution, remuneration and its evolution, disciplinary measures, promotion, dismissal or professional training.
The exercise of trade union freedom must not, under any circumstances, result in acts or actions that are contrary to the laws and regulations in force. The procedures for exercising trade union rights shall be the subject of consultation between the establishment and the trade union organisations.  
Extract from the ITM's 2020 management framework.

Social dialogue committees and commission

IMT Atlantique also has various committees and commissions for social dialogue:

  • The Technical Committees (TC), competent in particular for general questions of organisation and general operating conditions of the services, are set up in accordance with Decree No. 2011-184 on technical committees in State administrations and public establishments." Extract from the ITM's 2020 management framework. 
  • A Joint Consultative Commission (CCP), with competence to examine the individual situations of the establishment's agents governed by the present management framework, is set up. Its mission is to examine disputes relating to the execution of contracts and the respect of staff rights, and individual appeals, particularly in the areas of assessment, remuneration, career development and promotion. Extract from the ITM's 2020 management framework. 
  • Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committees. In accordance with the modified decree n°82-453 of 28 May 1982 on health, safety and working conditions as well as medical prevention in the civil service, special Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committees (CHSCT) are set up by decision of the ITM's president after consultation with the representative trade unions within the technical committee. The special CHSCTs are competent for all health and safety issues for the perimeter defined in the decision. Extract from the IMT's 2020 management framework.

III. Employment and discrimination policy

Employment and Discrimination Policy IMT Atlantique has a policy in place to end discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender and age). This policy is binding on IMT Atlantique and all staff, temporary workers, external stakeholders, contractors and suppliers.

Read the Employment, Discrimination and Pay Scale Equity Policy

IV. Policy on employment and modern slavery

IMT Atlantique has a policy in place to combat forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour based on French legislation. This policy is binding on IMT Atlantique and all staff, temporary workers, external contractors, subcontractors and suppliers.

Read the Modern Slavery and Employment Policy

V. Pay equity policy

IMT Atlantique has a policy in place on pay equity with a commitment to measure and not have gender pay gaps.
This policy is binding on IMT Atlantique and all staff, temporary workers and contractors.
Read the Employment, Discrimination and Pay Scale Equity Policy

IMT Atlantique regularly analyses the evolution of salaries by gender and age, and carefully studies the gender pay gap and makes adjustments to maintain gender equity.
Consult the salary measures report - CTS of 21 March 2019 (restricted document)

VI. Procedure for IMT Atlantique employees to appeal on their rights and remuneration

IMT Atlantique has set up a procedure to allow employees to appeal on their rights and remuneration and to be able to resolve relationship problems at work.

Scientific publication SDG 8

Updated 11.07.2023 by Annya REQUILE