
IMT Atlantique has formalised its commitment to people with disabilities by signing the Handicap Charter of the Conférence des grandes écoles and by appointing two disability referees for students.

People with disabilities

Disability-positive actions can be grouped into seven categories:

  1. Making campuses accessible (multi-year action plan, diagnosis/audit of accessibility conditions for people with disabilities)
  2. Specific measures for students (support unit, member of the @talentEgal programme)
  3. Specific measures for staff (RQTH, concrete help such as work station adaptations, payment of an allowance and CESU financed by IMT)
  4. Disability awareness (events, poster campaigns, etc.)
  5. Curriculum adaptation (Sustainable development and social responsibility project, inter-semester "Initiation to sign language" module, MOOC)
  6. Updating of the university's sports facilities
  7. Use of protected sector facilities where people with disabilities work in modified working conditions

Contacts for students

  • Catherine Bon, in charge of the Personalised Support Mission for Campus Life - 02 51 85 81 31

The responsibility of the Personalised Support Mission for Campus Life (Mission d'Accompagnement personnalisé à la vie scolaire) is to provide personalised support mainly in 3 situations: students with disabilities, with academic difficulties, or in complex situations (interactions between private life and university life).

Contact for staff

Françoise Mérieau, Head of Work Environment and Social Action - 02 51 85 83 61