The BRIO programme

At the initiative of IMT Atlantique (Nantes campus), Audencia Business School, Centrale Nantes and Oniris, the BRIO equal opportunity scheme was set up to provide a local response to issues of diversity and access to knowledge for all.

The aim of the BRIO programme is to open up future opportunities for students from disadvantaged high universities. IMT Atlantique has been involved in this programme for several years. As part of the Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility project, one of the core units for students in the general engineering programme, first-year engineering students participate actively in this programme every year.

3 student tutors from IMT Atlantique testify

Le programme Brio - étudiants d'IMT Atlantique

Erwann Defoy, Nadia Galleze and Maxime Zeidenberg were all highly motivated to become tutors for the BRIO students. From a human perspective, they wanted to seize this opportunity to give extra meaning to their studies in a Grande Ecole.

"Coming from a priority education area myself, I had heard about the "Cordées de la réussite", and it seemed natural and important to me that, now that I was part of a certain "elite", I should share my experience and knowledge." explains Nadia.

For Maxime "it's interesting to have access to diversity and not to stay on campus between students, all from the elite, with fairly similar profiles. All the more so as the programme is well designed: there's a good support network to help with your tutoring."

Erwann emphasises how "very rewarding it is to help someone whose trust has been earned by building closer ties over 15 months. This trust strengthens our own self-confidence. You gain self-esteem through them."

Brio programme - students

All three agree that "we often have a bit of a fixed view of things, and this type of programme is great for correcting that." And although their mission is soon coming to an end, that won't stop them from keeping in touch...

Contact: Blanche Cahingt, technicienne, direction de la Formation et de la Vie scolaire - 02 51 85 83 44 -

The BRIO programme