In order to increase social diversity in its training courses, IMT Atlantique is committed to taking the following measures:
- allowing learners with a Bachelor's degree (L3) or a Master's degree (M1) in science to enter the IMT Atlantique engineering programme in either the first or second year, depending on the university degree, and on the basis of their qualifications;
- admission to the IMT Atlantique engineering apprenticeship programmes, after a two-year scientific qualification following the high university diploma;
- various social scholarships and financial aid schemes, as well as exemption from the payment of tuition fees for scholarship students.
In addition, IMT Atlantique is involved in several schemes to promote and facilitate access to scientific studies, and in particular engineering studies. These schemes are aimed at primary, secondary, and high university students, but also - for some of them - at unemployed populations or for those who are not in the traditional education system.
"Fête de la Science" Science festival
The university also participates in several European and national events for the popularisation of science which, in their own way, contribute to social inclusion. Indeed, at the "Fête de la science", young people can discover science through fun activities, as well as having the opportunity to speak to real-life scientists about their professions and how to access them.
Every year in October, IMT Atlantique takes part in the Fête de la science, a national event that takes place locally and offers free events for schoolchildren and the general public.
In Brest, the event is coordinated by Océanopolis aquarium. The "Science Village" is held at Le Quartz national theatre and attracts some 4,000 schoolchildren from schools in the Brest area every year.
In Nantes, the "Science Village" is held at the seat of the Pays de la Loire Regional Council.
This is an opportunity for IMT Atlantique to meet with the general public and introduce activities based on robotics, the Arduino, Fablab tools, an infrared thermal camera, etc.

Find out more at:
Researchers' Night
The Europe-wide Researchers' Night is an annual nocturnal event that takes place in more than 200 cities in Europe, including 13 cities in France. It has become an event not to be missed in the scientific cultural calendar.
In Brest, the event is coordinated by Océanopolis aquarium. It takes place on the Océanopolis site itself which, for the occasion, opens its doors free of charge and attracts more than 5,000 visitors each year. Every year, teacher-researchers and students from IMT Atlantique take part in the event and present various activities to the public (3D printer, artificial intelligence, nano-optics, etc.).

Find out more at: La nuit des chercheur.e.s