IMT Atlantique: vision and strategy
Drawing strength from its membership of the Ministry of Economics, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, IMT Atlantique is actively preparing for the future through its research, innovations and training courses. We are accompanying companies in their digital and environmental transformations, contributing to the implementation of public and industrial policy, and thus reinforcing French industrial sovereignty. Such an outlook is reflected in a strong uptick in demand for skill, and the institution is readying itself to rise to the challenge, with a projected 25% increase in our student population by 2027.
Attracting the best scientists
Our ambition over the next 5 years is to significantly increase the attractiveness of IMT Atlantique so that it might sit alongside the world players in higher education and research. A paradigm shift will be required in order to make IMT Atlantique a more desirable place for scientists, be they students or staff.
The strategic plan reaffirms IMT Atlantique’s desire to be fully integrated into the local higher education landscape and to strengthen cooperation and partnerships with academic players in the regions where its three campuses are located, in particular the institutions and universities in Brittany and Pays de la Loire.
The IMT Atlantique strategic plan is in line with the overall strategy of the Institut Mines-Télécom.
This new strategic plan reaffirms IMT Atlantique's stance on society’s major industrial, digital and environmental transformations. A cross-sectional approach was taken in drawing up IMT Atlantique's 2023-2027 strategic plan with a focus on the transformations needed to pursue its development and prioritize major projects. All the teaching, research and innovation departments were involved in drafting the plan, as were executive management, and it is the object of a communication plan to all the teams.
Catherine Hellio, vice-president of IMT Atlantique
One scientific ambition and 4 transformations
IMT Atlantique's future direction will be oriented by 5 key priorities.
One scientific ambition
Reaffirm IMT Atlantique’s specializations and promote interdisciplinarity as a strength at the service of its industrial partners and students. Consolidate the IMT Group's scientific strategy, which is expected to have an impact on four key themes for industry (industry of the future / health / sovereign xG / energy, the circular economy and society). -
1st transformation
Make IMT Atlantique a global player in education, research and innovation, as a world-class technological university. -
2nd transformation
Ecological and societal transformation. While IMT Atlantique has been a trailblazer in this area, current events show the urgent need to increase momentum. -
3rd transformation
Diversity is a strength and an asset. A move toward greater representation of French and European society in the recruitment of both students and staff. -
4th transformation
Simplifying and decompartmentalizing operations, to improve both efficiency and the quality of working life for staff.
The overall policy and guidelines for these 5 strategic areas were presented to the IMT Atlantique board on 22 November 2022 and the 2023-2027 strategic plan was definitively adopted on 14 April 2023.
Markers for evolution
In order to focus on our priorities, 4 markers have been defined for each axis, representing the expected drive for the institution. These markers will be monitored twice a year by the Management Committee and presented to the IMT Atlantique board each year.
Scientific ambition
- Interdisciplinarity, IMT Altantique's strength
- A strong technological dimension
- Scientific strengths serving the IMT Group's strategy
- Specificities (nuclear energy, the environment, the ocean and space) aligned with future industrial challenges
International appeal
- Enhanced repute of teaching and research staff
- Increase in Masters of Science courses from 4 to 6 and creation of new courses
- Recruitment and forward planning
- Internationalization of campuses
Environmental and societal transformation (TES)
- Training our students in key TES knowledge based on a strong scientific position
- A significant contribution from research to the challenges of TES
- A strong commitment from the institution: staff training, support for biodiversity, etc.
- User satisfaction
- Student diversity, particularly in terms of recruitment
- Staff diversity
- Attracting and welcoming international students
- Outreach programs and promoting scientific studies to young people
- Simplified operations
- Feedback and contact: new ways of dialoguing with stakeholders
- Enhanced communication regarding the institution's direction and events
- A user-centered Information System