Technologies for disability: the European INNOSID project draws to a close

INNOSID (Innovative Solutions Based on Emerging Technologies to Improve the Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities) is a European Erasmus+ KA2 partnership whose main objective is to improve social inclusion by designing and developing free ICT solutions to enable communication, support education and raise awareness of the needs and abilities of people with disabilities.

Alison Gourvès-Hayward and Catherine Sablé (project manager for IMT Atlantique) from the LCI department contributed the intercultural dimension to this project where digital technology was truly at the service of people. Starting in October 2019, and ending in September 2022, this project braved COVID-19 and the ICT student teams (more than 50 students participated in the INNOSID project) were able to design great applications.

This project was awarded by the Croatian National Agency for its inclusive dimension. The project took place in two steps:

  • Year 1: a collective analysis of new technologies for improving the inclusivity for people with disabilities.
  • Year 2: development of multilingual applications 

Seminars were held in Dubrobvnik (September 2021) and a Hackathon in Valencia (March 22) in which students were able to work together on their projects.

"Finally the social side of this trip remains memorable, having a noble cause, my project allowed me to put myself in the place of children and to assess the needs they may have in geometry. On a more personal level, I made friends. I even received an invitation to Tunisia from a hackathon friend." - a prizewinning student from IMT Atlantique



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Published on 04.10.2022

by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT