Recruiting an IMT Atlantique engineer
Whether it's an internship, a professional training contract or first job, take advantage of our dedicated job platform to advertise your vacancies, free of charge, and recruit an IMT Atlantique engineer.
61% of recruiters believe that it is currently difficult to recruit junior profiles, even more so than in 2022 (49%). 36% of companies planned to recruit more in 2023 than in 2022. However, the budgets allocated to recruitment remain comparable to the previous year, if not slightly lower. These figures from the latest Job Teaser barometer reinforce our conviction that we need to provide the tools to help you make contact with young talent at IMT Atlantique.
To this end, we are providing you with a dedicated digital platform: Job Teaser career center. It acts as an interface between employers and our students. You can post your internship, apprenticeship, V.I.E, job or thesis offers there and present your company. In addition, IMT Atlantique's partners benefit from special branding and promotion.
Take advantage of this tool to develop your employer brand: the sooner you make yourself visible on our engineering students' course, the more you strengthen your reputation and attractiveness to a student community that is building its career development project. You increase your chances of recruiting the talent that will rise to the challenges and transitions that await your company!
The career centre is reserved for our students and recent graduates. If you would like to post a vacancy targeting a wider community of IMT Atlantique graduates, the IMT Atlantique Alumni association will be able to help you.