Recruiting an International Corporate Volunteer (V.I.E.) engineer
The Volontariat International en Entreprise (V.I.E.) a French form of international corporate volunteering, is a particularly suitable solution for your international development projects, whatever the size of your company. It is available in France as a form of territorial volunteering, with the aim of facilitating the links between young engineers and SMEs and SMIs.
Volontariat International en Entreprise (V.I.E): France's best-known form of volunteering
The Volontariat International en Entreprise (V.I.E.) scheme is run by the French government. It enables a French company to give a professional assignment abroad to a talented young person aged, at the start of the assignment, between 18 and 28 . This type of mobility is perfectly suited to the profile of IMT Atlantique graduates.
In this way, recruiting an engineer on a V.I.E. represents a strong factor of attractiveness and enhances your employer brand. It even enables companies with less visibility or reputation to recruit high-potential young engineers thanks to assignments abroad that encourage autonomy and agility and satisfy their desire to discover new things. Thanks to this rich experience in the field, they'll be excellent employees to recruit on permanent contracts!
To find out more about the V.I.E, visit the Business France website.
Volontariat Territorial en Entreprise (V.T.E.): Territorial volunteering in companies: the newcomer in volunteering
More recent and therefore less well known, the Volontariat Territorial en Entreprise (or V.T.E.), launched in 2019, is designed to encourage young graduates to work in local SMEs and ETIs, for which the scheme is reserved.
Industrial firms are particularly interested, as they sometimes find it hard to compete with large groups in terms of image and attractiveness. Nor do they have the same resources to recruit and finance engineering posts. The V.T.E. is therefore an excellent lever, as it concerns both CDD (fixed term of at least one year) and CDI (permanent contract) recruitment! Financial assistance of up to €4,000 is available for the recruitment of a talented young person to a position of responsibility. This can be as much as €8,000 if the assignment involves the energy and environmentall transformation sectors (in this case known as a green V.T.E.).
BPI France is the operator of the scheme: you can find all the information on the website.
Whichever formula is right for your company and your projects, recruiting an engineer on a V.I.E. or V.T.E is a win/win solution!