Recruiting a trainee engineer on a work-study program

Hiring a student engineer on a work-study training program has many advantages and is often a winning bet for the future!

Apprenticeships and professional training contracts

IMT Atlantique offers two ways of recruiting an engineer on a work-study program, namely: an apprenticeship and a professionalisation contract. These routes are increasingly popular with engineering students, as not only do they obtain the same diploma as those enrolled in initial training, but they also benefit from a wealth of professional and human experience.
They are also very popular with companies, which see many advantages in recruiting an engineer on a work-study basis.

étudiantes en apprentissageA secure and effective way of pre-recruiting

Recruiting an engineer on a work-study training scheme is the first step towards recruitment. By choosing to train a young engineer, you prepare for the recruitment of an employee who is familiar with your working methods and already fully integrated into your teams. This minimises the risk of poor casting, which can lead to premature termination of the employment contract, if there is a mismatch between the employee and the company. 

Leverage for companies:
Whatever the size of your company and whatever your sector of activity, you can recruit an engineer on a work-study program. Recruitment procedures are simplified, and you can benefit from financial support from your skills operator (OPCO) and from the State, subject to certain conditions.

Fresh, up-to-date skills

Alternating periods of theoretical training with practical experience in the company provides new skills that can be put to immediate use. They can help your company to examine its practices and stimulate change or the implementation of new projects.

Our advice

You may think that recruiting an engineer on a work-study program won't benefit your company because the student will change employer once he or she has graduated: You don't see the point in devoting time, human and financial resources to training them.
Of course, that's a hypothesis, but the ball's in your court: developing the loyalty of a work-study student is no different from that of a regular employee. Even if they are inexperienced, they will fully appreciate the meaning of the assignment you give them, the welcome you give them and the quality of life in the workplace they will have experienced. The form and content must align with their aspirations and expectations. Ongoing dialogue, regular assessment of their involvement and integration in the team, and the prospects for the future, are essential to build their loyalty and their willingness to work for you in the long term.