Recruiting an apprentice engineer
IMT Atlantique trains engineers through work-study programs, also called apprenticeships. Three courses are available: Software Engineering / Computing, Networks, Telecommunications / Digital Transformation of Industrial Systems.
In a context of full employment for engineers (their unemployment rate is 2.7% according to the 34th annual survey by the Observatoire des Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France) and the unprecedented appeal of apprenticeships in higher education, recruiting an engineer on a work-study program makes perfect sense. It's the perfect way to anticipate your recruitment needs and train student engineers in your methods and professions. IMT Atlantique is a pioneering engineering school in this field, as our first apprenticeship scheme has just celebrated its 20th anniversary.
We now offer three different courses, with curricula designed by and for companies, to support you in your development and transition.
The courses take place over 3 years and are open to candidates who already hold a BTS, BUT or "licence" (degree).
The work-study program allows students to carry out long-term assignments in companies.
- Recruiting an apprentice engineerSoftware engineering Specialisation
- Recruiting an apprentice engineerIT, Networks and Telecommunications Specialisation
- Recruiting an apprentice engineerDigital transformation of industrial systems Specialisation
Recruiting an apprentice engineer
Digital transformation of industrial systems Specialisation
Objectives: support your industrial companies in their digital and organizational transformation in a context of ecological and societal transition
Business skills
- Industrial engineering: decision support, systems engineering, supply chain, logistics and transport
- Design and development of agile production methods
- Deployment of interconnected digital systems
Cross-disciplinary skills
- Project management
- Performance management
- Change management
- Support for technological innovation
Training takes place on the Nantes campus.
Training calendar

Send an offer to to recruit an apprenticeship engineer, specializing in Digital Transformation of Industrial Systems.
Find out more about FIT training in partnership with ITII Pays de la Loire
Recruiting an apprentice engineer
Specializing in software engineering Software engineering specialization
Objectives: Analyze, design, develop, deploy and maintain your company's software, applications and information systems, taking into account change management and digital transformation.
Business skills
- Design and development of software architectures, web and mobile applications
- Expertise in distributed infrastructures (Cloud, Big Data)
- Expertise in human/machine interaction and mixed reality
- Software engineering and ergonomics
Cross-disciplinary skills
- Project management
- Information systems management and strategy
- Organizational management and change management
- Support for technological innovation
- User-centered design and evaluation methods
Training takes place at the Nantes campus..
Training calendar

Send an offer to to recruit an apprenticeship engineer, specializing in Software Engineering.
Find out more about the FIL training in partnership with ITII Pays de la Loire
Recruit an apprentice engineer
IT, networks and telecommunications specialization
Objectives: develop and manage information and communication systems and networks adapted to the challenges of your business and activities, with a view to performance and security.
Business skills
- Network and telecommunications architecture modeling and deployment
- Design and development of connected applications
- Cybersecurity, securing information systems and communication networks
Cross-disciplinary skills
- Project management
- Management
- Support for technological innovation
Training takes place on the Brest campus and the Rennes campus..
Training calendar

Send an offer to to recruit an apprenticeship engineer, specializing in IT, networks, telecommunications.
Find out more about the FIP training in partnership with ITII Bretagne