Interlibrary loans (PEB)

IMT Atlantique participates in the interlibrary loan (PEB) service, which enables users of libraries and documentation centres to receive documents from other libraries, whether reproductions or originals. By participating in the PEB network, libraries benefit from access to the collections of a vast network of French and international libraries.

You are an IMT Atlantique member: please use the form on the Intranet or the mobile application (Android / iOS)

Prêt entre bibliothèques

You are a member of an external institution:

To request an interlibrary loan, please contact:


The loan period is 1 month.

IMT Atlantique offers free loans and copies.

IMT Atlantique only handles PEB requests from other libraries/documentation centres. We do not process requests from individuals; you must go through your library/documentation centre to make a request.


Joint catalogue of Institut Mines-Télécom

Catalogue commun des bibliothèques de l'Institut Mines-Télécom

Updated 04.02.2024 by Clément DUPIECH