Computer Sciences department - Teams
The Computer Science department of IMT Atlantique is composed of research teams:
- P4S focuses on different issues related to software engineering. The P4S research team belongs to the SHARP pole of the Lab-STICC laboratory (UMR 6285). The team's website
- Maths&Net focuses on mathematical methods for modeling, monitoring and network management for quality of service and security. This team belongs to the CyR pole of the Lab-STICC laboratory.
- RAMBO focuses on robotic learning and ambient assisted living. Its members are part of the pole Interaction in the Lab-STICC laboratory. The team's website
- MOTEL addresses issues concerning Artificial Intelligence and technology-enhanced learning. The MOTEL research team belongs to the SHM pole of the Lab-STICC laboratory. The team's website
- INUIT works in the field of natural, immersive and innovative interactions with complex systems. The INUIT research team belongs to the Interaction pole of the Lab-STICC laboratory.
DECIDE develops decision support tools for complex and heterogeneous data. The DECIDE team belongs to the DMID pole of the Lab-STICC laboratory.