Computer Sciences department - MOTEL
MOTEL : MOdels and Tools for Enhanced Learning).Technology Enhanced Learning and Cultural HeritageCollaboration, Assessment, Personalisation for Education
Team Leaders: J.M. Gilliot, F. Poirier (ENSIBS)
The group is interested in "new ecologies" of human-machine interaction. They are based on innovation in services combining Rich Media, mobile and ubiquitous computing, and the Social and Semantic Web. This research implements the convergences of these technologies. Areas of interest are E-Education, E-Training (lifelong learning) and cultural mediation for formal and informal learning.
These cultural teachings and mediations are based on social media and the web, promoting collaborative activities based on investigative and connectivist approaches. This involves proposing relevant learning, cultural and/or work mediation and/or work activities, as well as their coordination, according to the current situation and/or past situations (i.e. context sensitivity).
Our research is in the fields of knowledge engineering applied to Human Learning Computer Environments and cultural mediation computer environments.
A context of permanent evolution requires us to evaluate these new uses to validate their principles and/or to make them evolve.