M. Benjamin Somers, from the computer sciences and LabSticc laboratory, will present his research about :
"IT infrastructure modeling for risk identification and prevention"
IT infrastructures are part and parcel of our daily lives, and have become of vital importance over the last few decades. At the heart of our banking system, transport facilities and hospitals, their omnipresence and the implications of their failure make them a prime target for attackers. Beyond the security risk, these infrastructures are subject to a whole range of safety risks, from climatic events to industrial fires, to the sheer wear and tear of mechanical components. These risks, although foreseeable, are not always taken into account by companies, and can lead to potentially catastrophic consequences.
Our work encompasses the entire risk management process. We defend the thesis that correct and exhaustive modeling of infrastructures allows the deduction of a set of safety and security properties constituting a satisfying risk analysis of the information system under study. We propose a set of recommendations and methods to collaboratively conduct infrastructure modeling and risk analysis. Finally, we present a formally specified infrastructure description language, CL/I, linking infrastructure models, formal verification and functional supervision.
A Thesis accreditation from IMT Atlantique with the doctoral school SPIN
Keywords: Infrastructure Modeling, Risk Management, Model federation, Formal Verification, Safety & Security