ERRIE 2023: European Research and Responsible Innovation Event

From Wednesday 05.10.2023 to Thursday 05.11.2023


IMT Atlantique, campus de Brest

Région Bretagne, IMT Atlantique and the Université de Bretagne Occidentale organize the upcoming edition of the European Responsible Research and Innovation Event (ERRIE) ! This event aims at providing participants insight and hands-on training on transversal aspects of Science. The programme covers key aspects such as scientific integrity, Open Science, Innovation, …
This event is addressed to the laureates of the Bienvenüe program, doctoral students of the SPIN and 3MG schools, post-docs of IMT Atlantique and young researchers of the UBO. All interventions will take place in English.

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-----------10th may, 2023, Sessions will be at IMT Atlantique

8:00 - Welcome of participants and coffee/tea at “Centre-vie” IMT Atlantique

9:00 - Opening Speech – Room “Méridienne”

9:30  -  Women, Society and Science
with Marie Jarrell, BIENVENÜE post-doctoral fellow at IMT Atlantique

10:00 - How do Scientific Theories Arise?
with Vincent Jullien, Université de Nantes, Professor of history and philosophy of science

11:00 - Environmental Ethics in Research: Moving from an Economic to an Environmental Logic
with Audrey Villot, Associate Professor at IMT Atlantique

12:30 - Lunch at the Administrative Restaurant  – IMT Atlantique

14:00 -  Data security
with Arrah-Marie Jo, Associate Professor in Economics at IMT Atlantique Proposer PHd Coffee

15:00 - Protection of médical Data
 with Professor Gouenou Coatrieux, Professor at IMT Atlantique

16:00: Workshops:
- ERC Grants, why not me
- Scientific project management
 with Charlotte Langlais,  Associate Professor at the Mathematical and Electrical Engineering Department of IMT Atlantique.

Bullying and Sexual Gender Based Violence
 with Sandrine Vaton, Professor, Gender Equality referent at IMT Atlantique, and Violette Zecchi, Université de Grenoble Alpes

17:30 - Poster Session at "Centre-vie"

18:45 - Cocktail and dinner.

-----------------11th May, 2023
Sessions will be at IUEM, technopôle Brest-Iroise, Rue Dumont d'Urville - Plouzané

8:30 - Scientific integrity: ethic principles, fraud and plagiarism
with Pierre Cointe, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science and  Scientific Integrity Officer at IMT Atlantique and Henri Maitre,  Emeritus Professor and Scientific Integrity Officer at IMT

9:30 - Open science: issues, tools and recommandations
with Dr Benoit Pier, research director at CNRS – Centrale Lyon, member of the Steering  Committee of the Comité pour la Science ouverte

10:45 - Carbon footprint and research
with Olivier Ragueneau, Director of Research in Political Sociology of Science and Sustainability Science at UBO

11:45 -   Lunch time Administrative Restaurant  at  IMT Atlantique

13:30 - Testimonial of an IMT alumni Jelena Pesic.
2012 PhD graduate, she has an experience in European project management and is involved in  the “Strong Her” program at NokiaVisio. témoignage à terminer

14:00 -Innovation: why? how to? Perspectives in Brittany – a panel discussion
with Hélène Morin, European Projects Head at Bretagne Development  Innovation, a representative from SATT Ouest Valorisation, with a  representative from Pôle Mer Atlantique, and testimonials from projects leaders at the IMT Atlantique : Souha Nazir (Ivanae Medical) and Thibault Pollina ( Faiscope)

15h:00 - Workshops
- How to find innovation ideas from my research results?
with 2PE Team

- Communicating across cultures : building mutual understanding .
Researchers are constantly adapting to different cultures and  professional contexts, whether in the laboratory, with international  collaborators or during scientific stays abroad. Language difficulties  and cultural differences can play a role in daily work. This workshop  will allow you to exchange in project mode so that you can better  interact in different cultural contexts.
with Mélanie Blanchard & Gwenan Owen - Stéphane Méar  -  Alison Gourves & Catherine Sablé

17:00 End of the event



Contact(s) & Practical information

Registration open for PhD students from the SPIN or 3MG doctoral school, registered at IMT Atlantique:
Registration open for IMT Atlantique and UBO post-docs:

Published on 23.04.2023
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