Quentin Lainé from the departements : optics and Subatomic Physics and Technologies - Subatech, will present his research about :
"Acquisition chain of light events in a 3-photon liquid xenon camera"
The Compton camera XEMIS2 aims to experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of a liquid xenon time projection chamber for detecting radioactive tracers emitting three gamma photons, with the goal of producing images of small animals. This new imaging modality is expected to achieve image quality comparable to that of PET systems used in clinical settings but with an injected activity reduced by two orders of magnitude. A new optimization focus for the XEMIS2 camera is to reduce the image acquisition time from 20 minutes to about 2 minutes. This requires increasing the injected activity by a factor of ten. To address this increase in activity, the development of new front-end electronics based on the Multi Time Over Threshold (MTOT) method forms the core of this thesis work. A prototype electronics board was designed to integrate with the current acquisition system. This prototype was then evaluated using a test bench with the implementation of a calibration protocol. The results show a significant reduction in electronic noise, validating the chosen approach. Experimental measurements on the test bench confirm the improvement provided by the MTOT method. To complement these results, a simulation was developed to reproduce the data acquisition with the new electronics under XEMIS2 operating conditions. The results demonstrate the benefits of MTOT for XEMIS2, with significant improvements compared to the current electronics : up to 70% increase of the resolution of the number of scintillation photons and up to 30% increase of the temporal resolution.
Thesis Co-acreditation from IMT Atlantique with the doctoral school 3MG
Keywords : multi time over threshold