

Higher Education System in France

The major difference between the French higher education system and those based on the British and American models is the separation of engineering and other subjects. In France, most subjects are studied in universities but engineering is mainly studied in the prestigious "Grandes Ecoles" which have different admission points, procedures and degree structures.

Qualifications at IMT Atlantique

Originally the degree awarded in French Engineering Graduate Schools is the "Diplôme d'ingénieur" (Master of Engineering) but in some institutions such as IMT Atlantique, MSc and PhD programmes are also on offer along with a more specific French "Mastère Spécialisé" (Post-Master Certificate).

The diagram below shows a comparison between the two higher education systems of France (Universities and "Grandes Ecoles") and those of most countries that have a system based on the Bachelor-Master-PhD scale.
The programmes represented in green are all available at IMT Atlantique. The corresponding degrees are accredited by the Ministry of Education (and automatically at European level) except the "Mastère spécialisé" which is validated by the "Conférence des Grandes Ecoles" (a specific national accreditation body for French Engineering Schools and Business Schools).

Degrees & admissions
It must be outlined that the level in mathematics required in French Engineering "Grandes Ecoles" is relatively high. That is why the admission procedure is very selective for students coming either from French specific preparatory classes or from French or foreign universities.

 More information on the "Grandes Ecoles"