IMT Atlantique is deeply involved in the Erasmus + program The institute has placed the Erasmus Charter at the heart of its international strategy and is continually developing its activities through different kinds of Erasmus actions projects, including:
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters degrees and Phd Joint Degrees
- Higher Education student and staff mobility
- Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
What is Erasmus+?
The Erasmus+ programme aims to support a wide range of actions and activities in the fields of education, youth initiatives and sport.
The programme offers students, trainees and staff the opportunity to spend time abroad to enhance their skills and increase their employability.
It supports organisations in their efforts to create international partnerships and share innovative practices in the fields of education and youth training.
Erasmus+ also has an important international dimension, particularly in the field of higher education. This international dimension makes it possible to open up the programme to activities involving institutional cooperation, youth and staff mobility at a global level.
The Erasmus programme was created in 1987. Its name is both an evocation of Erasmus, a 15th century Dutch philosopher, and the acronym of EuRopean Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students.
Over the years, the Erasmus programme has been supplemented by other programmes for the benefit of all concerned (Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Youth in Action, etc.). These programmes were integrated in 2014 to become the Erasmus + programme.
Erasmus+ and Higher Education
The Erasmus+ programme for higher education contributes to the realisation of a European Higher Education Area by pursuing a number of objectives including :
- improving the quality and strengthening the European dimension of higher education
- increasing the mobility of students, teachers and academic staff
- the strengthening of multilateral cooperation
- transparency and recognition of acquired qualifications
- the internationalisation of European higher education institutions
The programme promotes mobility opportunities in Europe and internationally for students (periods of study or placement), teaching staff and all staff of higher education institutions.
It also facilitates cooperation through partnership projects, knowledge alliances or capacity building projects and joint Masters Courses.
To participate in the different actions of the programme, higher education institutions must be holders of the Erasmus + Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
Links to information
- To find out more about the Erasmus + programme in the "Higher Education" sector, visit the website of the Erasmus + France / Education Training agency
- Student mobility
- Source media library Erasmus+ agency
- European student card