IMT Atlantique has been selected for a financial support under the Erasmus + program project for International credit mobility (2017-2019). This program aims at promoting international mobility for students and staff of higher education institutes.
Partner university : Shahid Beheshti University (SBU)
- SBU website
- Memorandum of Understanding SBU
Mobility possibilities
Financial support is offered to applicants for mobility between IMT Atlantique and SBU. Different kinds of mobility are supported :
- Students mobility (for studies)
- Staff mobility (for teaching and learning)
Each participant to this program can get an Erasmus+ scholarship. This financial aids include travel expenses and living expenses during the mobility period.
- Individual scholarship for incoming student : 850€ per month
- Individual scholarship for incoming staff and professor : 140€ per day
- Travel expenses : each selected applicant can receive a scholarship to support the travel expenses to go to the host university.
"I am Mojtaba SAFARI, and I have done my M2 master in nuclear technologies in medical application, during the internship of my mater in Canada I have been offered a Ph.D. position at Medical Physics program in Canada. It is my absolute pleasure to share with you my experience in IMT Atlantique, France. Since I had already done my first master in Iran at the best technological university of Iran, Sharif University of Technology, so I had a view about my M2 master courses in France. In IMT Atlantique, I had much more courses in compare to my first master, which enabled me to expand and consolidate my knowledge in medical physics program. In France, I not only learned a new phenomenon in science. I also learned the French language and culture that was so amazing. A fascinating summer French extensive course is given, before the fall semester, which will jump French level of every novice student in the French language. I am thankful for the opportunity that Erasmus and Mobility scholarships have provided for me and allowed me to concentrate on my course and expand my knowledge without any stress about money. I do believe this program will raise students to a higher level, and undoubtedly will promote them to give back more to our community as the scientists and eventually make the world a better place to live. Although I am doing my internship, thanks to IMT Atlantique and France, in Canada, I never ever forget beautiful and amazing Nantes city as well as kindness and support of staff and faculty of IMT Atlantique. Staffs and faculties in IMT Atlantique have always done their best and tried to improve their existing educational standard. I am glad every avid student will be able to experience this fantastic journey that I had."