European program : Ivory Coast ICM

IMT Atlantique has been selected for a financial support under the Erasmus + program project for International credit mobility (2017-2019). This program aims at promoting international mobility for students and staff of higher education institutes.

Partners universities :

    Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët Boigny (INP-FHP)

  •         INP-FHP website
  •         Memorandum of Understanding INP-FHP


Ecole Supérieure Africaine des Technologies de l’Information et la Communication (ESATIC)

  •         ESATIC website
  •         Memorandum of Understanding ESATIC


Mobility possibilities

Financial support is offered to applicants for mobility between IMT Atlantique and SBU. Different types of mobilities are supported :

  •     Students mobility (for studies)
  •     Staff mobility (for teaching and learning)



Each participant to this program can get an Erasmus+ scholarship. This financial aid includes travel expenses and living expenses during the mobility period.

  •     Individual scholarship for incoming student : 850€ per month
  •     Individual scholarship for incoming staff and professor : 140€ per day
  •     Travel expenses : each selected applicant can receive a scholarship to support the travel expenses to go to the host university.



"Admitted to IMT Atlantique for a dual course with my home institution, I landed on the Brest campus on August 05 to begin courses in the second year of the engineering program.

This experience is probably the best learning experience of my life, both academically and socially.

First of all at the academic level, IMT Atlantique offers a dynamic training that adapts to the needs of the market and to the expectations of the learners. The courses are accompanied by projects and practical work. This allowed me in a short time to grow considerably my know-how and to obtain a contract of professionalisation to the Crédit mutuel de Bretagne.

Teachers create a collaborative framework for each project. This method has contributed to my social integration.

Secondly, at the social level, it should be noted that IMT Atlantique has a complete environment to allow anyone to spend an extraordinary year.

Arrived 2 days late, I missed the integration weekend and the rest of the activities organized by the student office for the integration of new students, but in less than two weeks I was able to integrate. Indeed the diversity of nationalities, the cohabitation in the MAISEL (students' home), the gym, the various associations and sports clubs are elements that allowed to make friends, to entertain without requiring great financial resources and to coexist in an environment of cultural discovery. I personally join the sailing club. An activity that I had never practiced before but that I found very exciting. In addition to that I was at the club Dj and Secretary General of Atlantique without Borders. Thanks to that I animated some evenings in the home and I led a humanitarian project in Ivory Coast.

Finally, I would say to all students not to hesitate to make an exchange in France. It is an experience that certainly provides acute skills in an institution of national and sometimes international reputation. Doing this exchange also allows you to expand your international friendly and professional contacts list, to take advantage of many sports and entertainment activities to forget that you are not at home."

Jean-Baptiste ZIKAKPE

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