Other opportunities (with or without ECTS credits) might be available to acquire an international experience abroad. Please discuss these possibilities with the Department of International Affairs and Partnerships.
► Internships
MSc in Engineering (“Diplôme d’Ingénieur”) students
Apprenticeship students
The international professional assignment must be carried out in an organisation (company, research laboratory or NGO) and must be linked to the development of engineering skills. An agreement in principle on the part of the employer is required prior to signing the apprenticeship contract.
The minimum duration is nine weeks and apprenticeships are usually scheduled between academic terms four and five.
► Placement year
Engineering students who wish to do so may leave for an entire university year, between the second and third year of study for a junior engineer's assignment. This may be done abroad in the form of a short-term contract, an internship or a humanitarian mission.
► Humanitarian missions
⇒Through IMT Atlantique: “Atlantique Sans Frontières”
Countries : Nicaragua, Benin, Ivory Coast...
Each year a group of students sets out on a venture to support a developing country through bringing concrete assistance, such as :
- providing I.T. materials in different regions
- giving basic I.T. and office software training
- providing construction materials for infrastructure
If you would also be interested in taking up this challenge, contact the “Atlantique Sans Frontières” association.
More than just an experience, it's a true social commitment !
⇒ Through your own network
Students are free to make their own way and choose their own humanitarian organisation to spend a summer with, or sometimes longer.
Snapshot : François Fourcade/ Philippines
Do it your way ! Work it out !
For more information please contact the Department of International Relations and Academic Partners (DRIPA) :
IMT Atlantique students will find more details on IMT Atlantique intranet