Scholarships & Fundings

International students joining IMT Atlantique can apply for different types of financial aid:

- Financial support awarded by IMT Atlantique

- External scholarships (Ministries, sponsors, French Embassy, etc)

Financial aids from IMT Atlantique

- Excellence scholarships awarded as partial tuition fee waivers on the MSc programs tuition fee : up to 50% discount for the best applicants ! No need to prepare additional application, each MSc application is automatically considered for this discount, and the selected students are informed when receiving the admission letter.

- Total tuition fee waiver for European double degree students and exchange students. Some participation costs can be charged.

- Partial tuition fee waiver awarded to graduate students from our partner universities

- Partial tuition fee waiver awarded to the students admitted into our MSc programs who have European citizenship

- Special discount for students met abroad at Education fairs and admitted into our MSc programs

- Early-bird discount for admittees who register into our MSc before early-bird deadline.

IMT Atlantique does not provide full scholarships.

External financial support

Students who are selected to study at IMT Atlantique are highly encouraged to find additional financial support by themselves.

You will find below some scholarships opportunities you can apply for as a future IMT Atlantique student. These financial opportunities might be different depending on your country of origin, the study program you apply for, or your personal situation.

You are a student from....

For more information about the scholarships available in your country, please contact the nearest CampusFrance office or French Embassy. You can also check Campus France grant search engine.


Many other scholarship programs exist, depending on the field of study, gender, geographical area, etc. We strongly encourage you to search online the possible aids that could support your study projects. Examples : IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme supporting women in the nuclear field, scholarships from the Islamic Development Bank for Masters programs related to Energy and Sustainable Development, etc.


Whether it is an internal or an external scholarship, we recommend to apply for MSc programs as early as possible in order to have more time to find the necessary financial support for your studies abroad.

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