Visit from Luc Rémont, CEO of EDF

On 28 September, IMT Atlantique was pleased to welcome Luc Rémont, Chairman and CEO of EDF.

Discussions and demos with our cybersecurity experts

During their recent visit, the EDF delegation had the opportunity to meet our experts and discuss current research projects, in particular regarding cutting-edge advances in cybersecurity. In this respect, they were given a demonstration of federated learning for detecting intrusions.
Under regional and national impetus, within the Cyber Cluster of Excellence created in 2014, an international-level scientific and economic ecosystem has been created around cybersecurity. IMT Atlantique is a major player in this ecosystem, notably through its role in the Cyber CNI Chair of which EDF is a patron.
EDF is one of IMT Atlantique's long-standing partners in terms of training, and its 3rd largest recruiter of young graduates in 2022. EDF and IMT Atlantique thus share a number of research interests that go beyond energy and decarbonisation issues.



Discussions and demos with our cybersecurity experts
Discussions and demos with our cybersecurity experts
Visit from Luc Rémont, Chairman and CEO of EDF
From left to right: Catherine Hellio, vice-president of IMT Atlantique, Christophe Lerouge, president of IMT Atlantique and Luc Rémont, Chairman and CEO of EDF
Published on 28.09.2023

by IMT Atlantique