European Erasmus+ SmartSoc project closing event

SmartSoc was a KA203 project "Training future ICT experts based on the needs of the smart society (SmartSoc)" managed by a consortium of twelve universities from nine EU countries, coordinated by the University of Žilina. The main objective of the SmartSoc project was to create and implement an intensive interdisciplinary study programme in ICT-based entrepreneurship with consideration for the intercultural context.

Starting in October 2019, and ending on 31 August 2022, this project braved COVID and allowed teams of ICT students to tackle economic, societal and environmental challenges through very concrete case studies.

"For me, the European SmartSoc project was extremely beneficial. First of all, culturally, I had the opportunity to share experiences with students from other countries (Slovakia, Hungary) and we got on very well. Also, communicating only int English immersed me in an international and inclusive environment. We also took part in cultural workshops at the end of the programme." - an IMT Atlantique student



Catherine SABLE and Alison GOURVES- HAYWARD

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Published on 04.10.2022

by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT