IMT Atlantique moves up in the Round University Rankings (RUR)

IMT Atlantique has moved up from 230th place to 188th place in the overall Round University Ranking (RUR), and is now ranked 5th out of 11 French institutions.

Overall ranking

The Round University Rankings (RUR) measure institutional performance using 20 indicators grouped into four key areas: Teaching, Research, International Diversity, and Financial Sustainability.

IMT Atlantique's results are on the rise in 2020 :

  • Teaching : 121st (154th in 2019)
  • Research : 314th
  • International diversity : 189th
  • Financial Sustainability : 158th (182nd in 2019)

Subject ranking

The RUR also carries out a subject ranking in 6 major fields of study: Humanities, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences and Social Sciences.
IMT Atlantique has moved up considerably in the RUR Technical Sciences ranking, reaching 116th place overall (up from 166th in 2019), and 38th place in the world for Technical Sciences teaching. The school is top-ranked in France for Technical Sciences teaching.
IMT Atlantique is also confirming its strength in the basic sciences, i.e., maths and physics, coming in at 279th place in the world in the RUR Natural Sciences 2020 rankings.

Classement Round University Ranking


Published on 07.07.2020

by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT