In preparation for 2019 academic year, IMT Atlantique is recruiting teacher-researchers for its Brest and Nantes campuses. 12 positions are open in different fields: environment and digital, energy and digital, cyber security, artificial intelligence, energy and environment.
Deadline for applications is 31 March.
Since September 2018, IMT Atlantique has been offering a new training course for general engineers. Students are recruited through the "Mines-Ponts concours". The School also awards two engineering diplomas through apprenticeships, master's degrees, specialized master's degrees and doctorates. IMT Atlantique's training courses are based on cutting-edge research, within 6 mixed research units (with CNRS, INRIA, INSERM, universities or engineering schools), for which it is responsible: GEPEA, IRISA, LATIM, LABSTICC, LS2N and SUBATECH.

12 permanent research professors on the Brest and Nantes campuses
- Artificial Intelligence: Data Sciences Decision Support - Learning Constraints - e-Education
- Software engineering IT - Software systems security
- Cyber security Maritime Communication
- Human Machine Interaction
- Process engineering: Optimization - gas separation
- Digital electronics
- Applied electromagnetism
Experimental high energy physics
Satellite Imagery - environmental observation.
Learn more
To consult the job descriptions and learn more about the recruitment process: Working at IMT Atlantique > Teacher-researcher positions / 2019 campaign
by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT