On Monday, May, 13th 2024, IMT Atlantique inaugurated the new premises of the Arago platform for cross-disciplinary technologies for industry 4.0: almost 220 m² of clean rooms dedicated to the support and industrial development of companies.
The event was sponsored by Laurent Malier, vice-president of STMicroelectronics, who gave a talk entitled: "Challenges, when silicon microelectronics wants to play with light".
Dedicated to the new technological sectors of Nanotechnologies, Biotechnologies, Computing and Cognitive Sciences (NBIC), the Arago platform offers a variety of tools, services and a network of partners to facilitate the transfer of know-how and innovation to manufacturers.
The Arago platform enables large groups and, above all, very small businesses and SMEs to test new ideas, produce prototypes and develop manufacturing systems. It acts as an accelerator for the transfer of know-how and technologies to industry.
"Industrial innovation today requires the creation of new, highly cross-disciplinary technologies," emphasizes Jean-Louis de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye, head of the platform and head of the Optics department. More cross-functionality, more distributed intelligence, more flexibility in production tools: a new technical, industrial and economic deal.
Plate-forme Arago : un accélérateur d’innovation pour l’industrie
by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT