Having a PhD in mechanical and industrial engineering, Caroline Cao will bring all her expertise and experience to her role as head of the research collaboration ('Chaire') between IMT Atlantique and the University of South Australia (UniSA) around the theme of Industries of the Future.
The Franco-Australian 'Chaire' (collaboration) for Industry of the Future brings together IMT Atlantique and the University of South Australia (UniSA) and is part of the Brittany region's multi-year (2021-2027) Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) research and innovation plan. With this programme, the Brittany Region intends to occupy a leading position in the field of digital and industrial transition.
As a member of the Alliance for the Industry of the Future (AIF), IMT Atlantique has been developing skills in the field of the Industry of the Future for several years, notably within the Lab-STICC (UMR CNRS 6285) laboratory.
Caroline CAO is taking over as head of the 'chaire' research collaboration for Industry of the Future (Industry 4.0) after a career that took her from the University of Toronto to the School of Engineering at Tufts University, where she directed the Human Factors programme. She has also taught at Wright State University in Ohio as a professor of biomedical, industrial and human factors engineering, and as a professor of trauma and surgery at the Boonshoft School of Medicine. She is a leading researcher and author of scientific publications in the field of medical systems ergonomics. She has a special interest in the design and evaluation of innovative technologies (robotics, medical imaging, haptics) in the areas of minimally invasive surgery, surgical simulator training and skill maintenance, decision making and team communication in the operating room.
« My aspiration is that the 'chaire' ( research collaboration) for Industry of the Future will be internationally recognised for its innovative teaching and applied research, infused with an entrepreneurial spirit," says Caroline Cao. "The educational programme will provide students with the technical skills to tackle global, societal and economic issues, and the confidence to pursue varied careers and satisfy their intellectual curiosity, while contributing to economic growth in France, Australia and the world. Through the research and scholarship of its faculty and students, in close collaboration with industrial partners who benefit from the products of the research and highly qualified graduates, the 'Chaire' will give rise to innovative technologies that are essential for the industry of the future. »
La chaire Industrie du Futur est financée par l’Union Européenne (Fonds européen de développement régional - FEDER)

by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT