Partnerships: Stronger links with Morocco

A delegation from IMT Atlantique went to Morocco at the end of April to meet with historical partners and to identify new possibilities for collaboration with other institutions. It was also an opportunity to meet with some of IMT Atlantique's many Morocco-based alumni.

With plans to train 5,000 doctoral students by 2030 and the ambition to reach 10,000 new engineers per year, Morocco intends to reinforce the education of its best and brightest. Thanks to its long-standing and solid relationship with the INPT in Rabat, IMT Atlantique has an important role to play in these objectives. A visit to the French Embassy provided an opportunity to review the institution's international strategy and the Franco-Moroccan programmes offering possibilities for collaboration.

Partnership with the INPT of Rabat

The conditions for developing the partnership with INPT Rabat were discussed. Possibilities include a dual degree program, PhD student exchanges and research collaborations, going as far as co-supervision of theses and greater mobility in the France-Morocco direction.

The mission also aimed to study and extend the partnership with UM6P, the Mohamed 6 Polytechnic University, whose programs are based on themes close to those of IMT Atlantique, with the desire to focus on environmental and industrial engineering.

Partnership with Mohamed 6 Polytechnic University
The delegation was composed of (in the order of the photo) Samir Saoudi, head of the Mathematical and Electrical Engineering (MEE) department; Christophe Lerouge, President of IMT Atlantique, Philippe Picouet, Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, and Stéphane Roy, Director of International Relations and Academic Partnerships.

Finally, the trip made it possible to establish initial promising contacts with the Mohammed VI International Civil Aviation Academy (AIAC M6) in Casablanca, which prepares engineers for careers in the aeronautical field but also in other industrial sectors.

In both Rabat and Casablanca, the members of the delegation were happy to meet some of the more than 400 alumni that the school has in the country.

Published on 04.05.2023

by IMT Atlantique

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