Philippe Picouet appointed Director of Studies

Appointed on 1 January, Philippe Picouet succeeds Lionel Luquin as Director of Studies (DFVS) at IMT Atlantique, where he has been Deputy Director since 2017. Philippe Picouet and his team aim to place sustainable development, climate change and social responsibility at the heart of engineering education and campus life.

Philippe Picouet, directeur des formations et de la vie scolaire

Philippe Picouet joined IMT Atlantique in 1998 as an associate professor, and joined the Department of Studies and School Life in 2017, as Head of the IMT Atlantique General Engineering programme. He was later appointed as Deputy President to Lionel Luquin, who became Director of IMT Mines Albi on 1 January this year. He brings with him a thorough knowledge of the school's operations, courses, campuses and teaching teams, and will continue the in-depth work undertaken by the DFVS. IMT Atlantique has always aimed to train responsible engineers, capable of building, adapting and anticipating transitions in order to meet the needs of society and companies. Philippe Picouet will be responsible for developing and proposing the strategic orientations of the training programmes, managing recruitment, and providing support for learning for all students and teachers.

More than twenty years of experience at IMT Atlantique

Philippe Picouet graduated as an engineer from the École nationale supérieure des télécommunications Paris. He holds a postgraduate degree from the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin and a doctorate in computer science and networks from ENST Paris. He began his professional career in 1991 as an R&D engineer at Graphael, a start-up company that emerged from the Université Technologique de Compiègne. He then quickly moved on to teaching and research. First at ENST Paris, then from 1998 onwards at Télécom Bretagne and IMT Atlantique where he lectured in the LUSSI department (Logic of uses, social sciences and information) before becoming head of the Services and Business Engineering programme and then head of computer science studies, before joining the Department for Studies and School Life (DFVS).

Published on 10.01.2022

by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT