IMT ranked 5th best engineering school by the Étudiant magazine!

IMT Atlantique confirms its position in the ranking of engineering schools published by L'Étudiant magazine.

In 2023, for the second year in a row, IMT Atlantique reached the top 5 engineering school ranking, according to the Étudiant magazine, just behind Polytechnique, Télécom Paris, Centrale Supelec and ENSTA Paris.

"We are delighted with this excellent news", says Christophe Lerouge, President of IMT Atlantique. "Congratulations to all our teams and our engineering students! This year, the ranking methodology has changed in order to avoid ties. It is therefore easier to for the candidates to tell the schools apart and refine their choices."

L'École est c5e dans le classement de l'Étudiant 2023

In this 2023 edition, IMT Atlantique got 27/30 for its proximity to companies and 28/30 for its academic excellence. IMT had also been rewarded for its long-standing commitment to SD&SR, along with 15 other schools that succeeded in getting the national sustainable development and social responsibility (SDSR) label, which promotes sustainable development and social responsibility in higher education and research institutions. 

Published on 09.02.2023

by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT