RESOH Chair : Managing relationships with subcontractors, David Dahan, Dissertation defense presentation (June 9th 2023)

On June 9, 2023, David Dahan, member of the DI2S department and the LEMNA laboratory presented his research, conducted for the RESOH research chair, on the subject: "Managing subcontractor relationships to generate value in a partnership"

Abstract :  This thesis questions the management of supply chains. Within this context, it focuses on the requirements for setting up and sustaining a collaborative subcontractor relationship. The issue is even more crucial for high hazard industries, marked by a major tension between reliability and efficiency.

David Dahan's research focuses on the relationship’s control processes and practices, which can impact value for both parties. To do so, he develops a conceptual framework, combining agency theory and pragmatist valuation theory.
He mobilizes an ethnographically inspired intervention research to study actors of a shipbuilder and their practical activities. It comprises several cycles of observation, interviews, document study, feedback meetings, and design of applicable recommendations.
His results show that evolving a subcontractor relationship into a partnership involves transforming the contractor’s organization and management system. Specifically, managers should focus on the equipment, the conduct, and the connection of the relationship’s agency relationships’ valuation practices: these practices generate inquiries, which resolution impacts value formation. Such an approach amounts to enabling articulation between strategic and operational management of business relationships, and hinges on use of a subsidiary authority.

The thesis questions agency theory, IOR value formation, as well as word debate places’ theoretical frameworks. To develop such a business relationship management, David Dahan offers a guide to engineer relevant agency relationships’ valuation practices.

Jury members :
- Hervé Dumez, Director of Research at the CNRS i3-CRG (Polytechnique)
- Gwenaëlle Nogatchewsky, University lecturer Paris Dauphine-PSL
- Philippe Lorino, Distinguished Emeritus Professor, ESSEC
- Fabrice Lumineau, Professor HKU Business School (Hong-Kong University)
- Bénédicte Geffroy, Professor, IMT Atlantique
Thesis director : Benoît Journé Professor, IAE Nantes (Nantes University)

jury thèse David Dahan 09 06 23


David Dahan :

Published on 15.06.2023

by Marine VASLIN