THE World University Rankings 2021: IMT Atlantique confirms its ranking among the top 400 universities in the world, gains 2 places in the French ranking and thus moves up to 10th place nationally in this 2021 edition.
IMT Atlantique confirms its ranking among the top 400 universities in the world in THE WUR 2021. IMT Atlantique thus consolidates its position in the 351-400 rankings and enhances its reputation as well as the ranking of French institutions. From 13th in the 2019 edition, 12th in the 2020 edition, it has reached 10th place nationally for this new 2021 edition.
« The stability of our school in this ranking over several years confirms that it is well placed in the panel of international institutions. It also confirms the relevance and solidity of our strategic choices. The consistency between its position in the French ranking and other purely national rankings establishes IMT Atlantique as an attractive school both in France and internationally. », says Paul Friedel, president of IMT Atlantique.
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See the THE World University Rankings 2021
Read the press release « THE World University Rankings 2021 »
by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT