Tinashe Mutsvangwa has joined IMT Atlantique as of 1 May. He will spearhead the setting-up and development of the new Data Science department, and its research and teaching activities.
Tinashe Mutsvangwa has joined IMT Atlantique as of 1 May. He will spearhead the setting-up and development of the new Data Science department, and its research and teaching activities.
Tinashe Mutsvangwa, who holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, was Deputy Director of the Biomedical Engineering Division at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, prior to joining the IMT Atlantique team. He will bring his scientific leadership, academic expertise and experience of managing international interdisciplinary projects - he notably supervised a partnership with IMT Atlantique on the analysis of medical images. Tinashe Mutsvangwa has also managed research laboratories, including the Image-based Inferencing and Distributed Diagnosis Lab (Mi2d2 Lab) at the University of Cape Town.
He has managed university-private sector technology transfer and spin-off projects, as well as organizing funding campaigns for teaching and research programs.
A renowned scientist, Tinashe Mutsvangwa has served on numerous scientific committees and published some fifty articles and publications in international journals. His research and teaching activities have earned him several awards: Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Sabbatical Fund (2021), Swiss National Science Foundation Scientific Exchange (2021), RBUCE W Junior Chair in Biomedical Imaging (2012), etc.
Tinashe Mutsvangwa, head of Data Science department
A new department dedicated to Data Science
The new Data Science department at IMT Atlantique is developing research and teaching activities in the interdisciplinary field of data science, which is closely linked to industrial and societal issues (health and the environment). Its research activities are part of the Lab-STICC (UMR CNRS 6285) and LaTIM (UMR 1101 INSERM) laboratories.
Data sciences are at the heart of many companies' strategies. The aim of this fast-growing field is to give meaning to data, whatever its form (signal, image, text, interaction). It is an interdisciplinary field that uses mathematics, statistics, scientific calculation, algorithms and automated computer systems. The aim is to develop and exploit tools capable of collecting, processing and analyzing large quantities of raw data in order to produce knowledge that can support decision-making.
With the creation of the Data Science department, IMT Atlantique is equipping itself with a powerful tool for training future engineers in Data Science and developing high-level research projects through a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach.
by Pierre-Hervé VAILLANT