Workshop on Few-Shot Learning

The Lab-STICC, and more specifically the BRAIn team (T2I3 cluster), is organizing a “few-shot learning” workshop day on December 3, 24, starting at 9 a.m. at the Lab-STICC IMT Atlantique site (Brest).

Full details at: 

This day is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with research in the field, and possibly present your work there in the form of posters.

Speakers :

  • Alexis Joly (INRIA, Montpellier) - Weakly-supervised analysis of multi-label plant images in the context of the Pl@ntNet project
  • Céline Hudelot (Centrale Supélec) - Open-Set Likelihood Maximization for Few-Shot Learning
  • Nicolas Courty (UBS) - Dimensionality reduction and Clustering through the lens of Optimal Transport
  • Ronan Fablet (IMT Atlantique Lab-STICC) - Bridging Physics and Deep Learning for Ocean Modeling and Monitoring: How to deal with sparsely-sampled data?

Lectures will be in English


Published on 14.10.2024

by Mathieu LEONARDON