
Enseignant Chercheur



Contact information:



Office information

Catherine Fourny
(Department Assistant)
TEL. +33 (0)2 51 85 82 12


IMT Atlantique - Campus de Nantes
4 rue Alfred Kastler
44307 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE

    I conduct research and lead/manage innovative projects on software & systems engineering for the NaoMod team - IMT Atlantique & LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004) with particular focuses on:

    • The design and application of model-based techniques and architectures to real industrial problems (reverse engineering, tool/language interoperability, model management & traceability, Cloud Computing, Cyber-Physical Systems, etc.)
    • The dissemination and/or industrialization of corresponding research results and prototypes (e.g. knowledge and technology transfer to companies).

    I constantly interact with the team’s partner labs and companies within the context of different collaborative actions. As a result, I have published and presented more than 70 papers in various international journals, conferences and workshops around modeling and its applications to different domains.

    Social Networks (my profiles)

                                            SlideShare - Hugo Bruneliere

    I have been working as the scientific responsible for the team, a work package / task leader and an active member of various project boards, in the context of the following collaborative projects (among others) involving both academic and industrial partners. In addition to these projects, I have also worked in the context of direct R&D contracts with various companies such as Orange, Sopra Steria, Salvia Developpement or BNP Paribas

    International projects

    National projects

    Software Modeling / Model Driven Engineering (MDE):

    • Model Management & Traceability
    • Model Driven Reverse Engineering
    • Model Viewpoints & Views

    Cloud / Fog Computing:

    • Model-based Architectures for Cloud / Fog Systems
    • (Domain-Specific) Languages for Cloud / Fog Modeling
    • Software Migration to the Cloud

    Cyber-Physical Systems:

    • Model-based Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems
    • Design Time ⇔ Runtime Traceability
    • Tool/Language Interoperability

    Best Paper Award - 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2024)

    2018 Best Paper Award - International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)

    Best Paper Award - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018)

    Since many years, I have been active in the Eclipse open source community as the leader of the MoDisco project and a regular promoter of EMF, ATLEMF Facet and other Eclipse Modeling projects.

    I also used to be a regular conference speaker, e.g. at the Eclipse Community major events EclipseCon (North America), EclipseCon Europe and EclipseCon France, as well as an organizer/participant of Eclipse DemoCamps (in Nantes).

    Open Source projects 

    EMF Views logo

       Eclipse MoDisco logo Eclipse MoDisco