Jean-Christophe BACH
Since September 2015, I am an Associate Professor at IMT Atlantique (ex Telecom Bretagne) in the Computer Science department. I am a member of the PASS research group (IRISA), led by Antoine Beugnard.
Past experiences:
From September 2014 to August 2015, I was a teaching assistant (ATER) at the FIL, the Computer Science department of IEEA, a part of the University of Lille 1. I was a member of the RMoD research group (Inria, CRIStAL -ex LIFL-), led by Stéphane Ducasse.
I defended my PhD on Friday, September 12th 2014. I started it in November 2010 at Inria / LORIA working on model transformations under the supervision of Pierre-Étienne Moreau and Marc Pantel in the Pareo research group. In the context of my PhD, I was involved in the Quarteft project, funded by FNRAE (Fondation de Recherche pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace / Research Foundation for Aeronautics and Space) From November 2010 to October 2013, I was funded by Inria. From November 2013 to August 2014, I had an ATER contract at Computer Science department of the FST of Université de Lorraine.
Previously, I graduated from an « engineering school » (software engineering specialization), then I have worked as a security engineer at Advens, an IT security services company.
I also have worked on the Tom compiler as development engineer in the Pareo team.
Research activities
I am interesting in improving trust in software systems. I am interesting in the product (software) and in the production process (all elements allowing to build the product, from the beginning) in order to improve software security. Therefore I am working on software security by advocating what I call « security by design » to avoid the traditional « vulnerability-patch » way.
Toward this goal, my main research interests are the following:
- Software engineering
- Security
- Software quality (for safety and security)
- Languages
- Transformations, qualifiable transformations (languages, models, programs, etc.)
- Transformation traceability
- Formal Methods
- Help to software verification
- Model federation
- Software evolution
- Software applications migration
There are a lot of application fields, however I mainly focus on cybersecurity and industry 4.0.
Teaching activities
Object oriented design & programming ; languages engineering ; lambda-calculus ; rewriting ; logic ; concurrency & concurrent system modeling ; C ; Java ; Scala ; functional programming (Ocaml) ; modeling ; practical courses (GNU/Linux environment, network, security).
Tutor of several student projects related to: Openflexo environment, computer science popularization, game development, improvment of IPv6 support for Tor, modularization of a python learning environment, ROP attacks/chains, etc.
Courses codes for students: INF301, INF447, INF424, TC131D, ELU512, ELU610, F2B304, F2B205, F2B002B, SIT151, ATE208 + S2, S2R, S5, DD-RSO
TAF Software Development (DLR), work in progress.
Past experiences: (TODO)
Apart research and teaching, I am also interesting in the following topics (non-exhaustive list) :
- Free/Libre Open Sources Software (FLOSS)
- Security
- Scientific mediation / popularization
- Computer Science for kids, programming for kids
- Net Neutrality
- Privacy
- Associative (DIY) ISP: technical, political and social aspects
- DIY philosophy
- Ethics and responsibilities of scientists
- …
If you want to talk about them, or to work one one of them, do not hesitate to contact me.
Address (mail) | IMT Atlantique, Département informatique Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818 29238 Brest Cedex 03 France |
Phone | (+33) (0)2 29 00 15 73 |
Office | D03-124 | with x → jc and y → bach |
Public key | 0x520E0E85EA19F34E / Fingerprint=A8C3 C208 1C6A 209B DE2A 2D6C 520E 0E85 EA19 F34E |
(former one) | 0x838FE3735F96B01C / Fingerprint=6B01 787A A62D D8FF 7CAA 8601 838F E373 5F96 B01C |
Jabber (IM) | with x → jc and y → bach |
Tox ID | BCD619585BDFB2426EFEB9622E7C4C7FF2D78459AF4CE2D18864B8B392F07C6A82117456EA95 |