Jean-Marie GILLIOT


Enseignant Chercheur



Contact information:


+33 2 29 00 15 39

Office information

Armelle Lannuzel

TÉL. +33 2 29 00 14 06


Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

    Associate professor @ IMT Atlantique since 2012, teacher in Computer Science, researcher in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), actor of innovative pedagogy

    • Head of MOTEL  team, Lab-STICC

    • ATIEF - Governing body member

    • Was in charge of MOOC development at IMT - 2013 - 2015 ;

    • Codesigner and coanimator of first french-speaking MOOC about "Learning with Internet"

    • Project-based courses coordinator 2007-2013

    • I have a french-speaking blog Techniques Innovantes Pour l'Enseignement Supérieur



    Research Team MOTEL 


    ANR Project xCALE : eXplaining Competency and Autonomy development in Learning Environments

    With the advent of MOOCs, and the success of exercise-based platforms, large-scale online environments are becoming widespread, both in distant learning and in blended learning. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is known to have a good potential on autonomy development and on maintaining motivation for learners, both in MOOCs , and in blended learning within exercise-based platforms. Developing Self-Regulated Learning Strategies is also known to have a positive impact on academic achievement. Our main objective in this project is to investigate how to support successfully self-regulated learning at a large scale, with an approach that aims to estimate acquired skills levels and metacognitive levels about students to provide appropriate interventions. 

    CominLabs Project : SEDELA : SElf Data for Enhancing lifelong Learning Autonomy

    We all know that a person will have many different jobs during his/her life. Lifelong Learning is becoming a central asset, beginning during initial training at university, but currently there is a lack of appropriate tools and methods combining self-reflective learning support and social interactions. Learner empowerment relates to the ability for a person to be able to define his/her own learning path and act on his/her environment, including peer learning. It is a prerequisite for autonomy, to become a full citizen.

    Self-regulated learning methods, learner models and trust are key issues to support lifelong learning. The mastering of self-regulated learning methods is enhanced by digital tools, as the willingness to develop digital literacy prove it. Learner models designed to develop such instrumentation lack a real collaboration between learning process support needs and new opportunities provided by data availability. Current support thanks to reflexive instrumentation is still very basic, related to short term or specific data. Trust in tools is becoming a central concern in digital society, especially when personal data are handled, as it is the case in learning. When trust is ensured, new innovative services may be designed that empower people and change their usage. 

    Self-regulated learning process, learner models, and trust are hence tightly coupled. A holistic approach is needed to propose more effective self-regulated learning process, taking advantage of relevant services based on more expressive learner models, whose acceptability is enhanced by trust in collaboration. Consequently, the main goal of the multidisciplinary project Sedela, is to design, develop, experiment and evaluate an improved model of Self-Regulated Learning Process, supported by Semantic Open Learner Models, Trusted collaborative services and an experimental infrastructure, in a lifelong learning and trusted perspective. 

    Partners: LabSTICC Lab, IHSEV Team Brest, CREAD LAB Team Rennes, LS2N Lab, GDD TEAM, Nantes

    ANR Project HUBBLE: HUman oBservatory Based on anaLysis of e-LEarning traces.

    The HUBBLE project proposes the creation of an observatory for the construction and sharing of analysis processes of  traces of massive on-line courses. Our observatory will give the actors of such courses (e.g. teachers, researchers, designers, students, administrators and policy makers) the possibility to analyze and explain the teaching and learning phenomena occurring  within e-learning environments. The analysis processes we build will therefore accompany actors’ decision making, but will also guide researchers and other actors in the elaboration of analytical const ructs, models and indicators. The HUBBLE project will be based on a platform that allows for the construction, sharing and management of analysis  processes concerning the traces that are available in the observatory. In such a context, we consider it crucial to address  the ethical concerns of stocking and analyzing traces.

    Partners: Team MeTAH, LIG (Grenoble), Le LINA (Nantes), Team SILEX, LIRIS (Lyon),Team EIAH,  LIUM (Laval), OpenClassrooms (Paris), L’Institut français de l’Éducation (IFé, ENS de Lyon), Le laboratoire STEF (Paris)

    Website :

    Keywords : learning analytics, semantic web, technology-enhanced learning systems

    ITEA 2 Project MOOCTAB: Massive Open Online Course TABlet

    MOOCTAB aims at creating a tablet based platform dedicated to the lifelong learning (primary, secondary, higher, and continuous) using an on-demand MOOC platform. The MOOCTAB project intends to answer these challenges by developing a cloud based European MOOC on Demand platform with a Plug&Play approach deployable in Europe and developing countries. This platform will take advantage of existing technology bricks and existing open source platforms like edX. Enhancement of this platform will be detailed in the SoTA and innovation paragraphs.
    At the other end of the chain, tablet devices are the perfect catalyser for e-education and to consume MOOC content. The tablets are taking over the market share from workstation computers due to their competitive pricing and rich multimedia features. Tablet computers provide a unique opportunity to create a truly portable learning experience. Lightweight with a long battery life, they offer possibilities not previously seen with other mobile devices. This lends itself to better use of technology within teaching. Using tablets in scenarios, such as field trips, workshops or physical education lessons offers opportunities for research, evidence gathering and presentation. All of this has brought new pedagogic perspectives to the teachers, but there are still challenges to overcome. Supporting teachers with training is essential in order to realise the potential of this technology in the classroom. 
    Website:,                    MOOCTAB Leaflet

    Partners: Telecom Saint Etienne, Gemalto SA, IMMANENS, Mantano SAS, NXP SemiConductors, Viaccess-Orca, Bahcesehir University, KOBIL, TUBITAK, Ubit, Vestel Elektronik.

    ANR Network Project ORPHEE

    The Orphée Network aims at structuring Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) stakeholders communities (industry with special focus on SMEs, providers, designers, educational institutions and professional associations, decision makers, research laboratories, etc.) in order to leverage the synergy of partners to successfully take up TEL challenges, with effective and sustainable results. The focus of the project is on three main issues: International, Business and Training & Experimentations. A road map will be  adopted to sustain the network beyond the two years of the ANR project. 

    From a training perspective, the objectives are to create a TEL doctoral school at a national level, to provide content for online courses with theoretical, technical and practical content (e.g. MOOCs), to promote learning from experience, knowledge sharing, and collaborative knowledge building. Orphee tools will include a portal, support to collaborative projects, etc. The Orphée Network will develop partnership with the TEL industry and providers with the objective to enhance knowledge transfert, to discuss key TEL issues, and to respond to call for projects.  At an international level, the main goals is to develop the connections between the French and the international research communities. For this purpose, the Orphée Network will support the creation of strong consortia committed to play an active role, to promote the technical and scientific competences of the French TEL research community, and to be part of international TEL studies and research projects.
    Website :

    Former PHD students 

    2019 Dabbebi Inès - Conception de tableaux de bords dynamiques, adaptatifs et contextuels., LABTICC/IHSEV, LIUM (IEIAH), Laval

    2010 Phung Khac, An - Approche basée sur l’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour la conception d’applications à architectures réparties adaptables