Patrick MAILLE
I graduated from Ecole polytechnique and Telecom ParisTech in 2000 and 2002, respectively. I have been with IMT Atlantique since 2002, where I obtained my PhD in applied mathematics in 2005, and my habilitation (HDR, Rennes 1 university) in 2015.
I have held visiting scholar appointments at Columbia University (June-December 2006) and UC Berkeley (academic year 2014-2015).
My research interests are in all economic aspects of telecommunication networks, from pricing schemes at the user level, to auctions for spectrum and regulatory issues (net neutrality, search neutrality).
My other interests include sports (playing tennis once a week when not injured) and music playing (striving to master a few flamenco pieces on the guitar, and discovering jazz piano...).
I am now officially with the Dionysos team at IRISA
TPC co-chair for the ICQT 2017 workshop (co-located with theCNSM conference in Tokyo, Japan, Nov 26-30)
I'm a Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Network Economics and Regulation in the Internet of Things in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (call for papers)
Oct 2016: our paper "Revenue-Maximizing Rankings for Online Platforms with Quality-Sensitive Consumers" (coauthors: Pierre L'Ecuyer, Bruno Tuffin, Nicolas Stier-Moses) got accepted for publication in Operations Research
Sept 2016: Wenjing Shuai successfully defended her thesis on "Management of electric vehicle systems with self-interested actors". Congrats to her!
April 2016: our paper "Content Providers Volunteering to Pay Network Providers: Better than Neutrality?" (joint work with Galina Schwartz) received the best paper award at IEEE SDP 2016
I am a TPC co-chair for the NetGCOOP 2016 conference (Avignon, France, Nov 23-25)
I'm a Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Net Neutrality of the Journal of Communications and Networks (call for papers)
Oct 7, 2015: Habilitation (HDR) defense in Telecom Bretagne, Rennes
- Eitan Altman - Inria
- Anna Nagurney - Univ. Massachusetts Amherst
- Samson Lasaulce - CNRS/Centrale-Supélec
- Dominique Barth - Univ. Versailles Saint Quentin
- Tijani Chahed - Telecom SudParis
- Bruno Tuffin - Inria
Oct 2015: Our paper "Users facing volume-based and flat-rate-based charging schemes at the same time" (joint work with Bruno Tuffin) received the best short paper award at LANOMS
Jul 2015: back to Telecom Bretagne after an amazing year with the Network Economics group at EECS, UC Berkeley
Nov 2014: Vladimir Fux successfully defended his thesis and is now starting a post-doc at Technical University of Munich
Sept 2014: I'm now at UC Berkeley for the academic year, working in the EECS department with Jean Walrand and his team.
May 2014: The book Telecommunication Network Economics (co-written with Bruno Tuffin) has appeared!
Research activities
Research activities
- Game theory in networks
- Network routing games
- Auctions for network resource
- Network pricing
- Incentive mechanisms for resource sharing
- Economics of smart grids
Ongoing collaborations and projects
- 2013-2016: EGUISE (Ecosystème de Gestion Universelle et Intelligente de Services et de l'Energie des véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables) - Funded by the French ``Environment and Energy Management'' agency (ADEME)
Past collaborations and projects
- 2011-2012: INNIS - Impact of Network Neutrality on the Internet Stakeholders (within the EuroNF Network of Excellence).
- 2011-2012: MENEUR - Network Economics and Net Neutrality Modeling (INRIA Cooperative Research Action).
- 2010-2012: ETICS - Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services (7th Framework Programme of the European Union)
- 2008-2012: CAPTURES - Competition Among Providers for Telecommunication Users: Rivalry and Earning Stakes (French Research Agency project).
- 2008-2011: COST IS0605 Econ@tel - A Telecommunications Economics COST Network
- 2010: AMESA - Adword auctions in search engines (within the EuroNF Network of Excellence).
- 2008-2011: FLUOR - Convergence of Flow and Usage Controls in Organizations (French Research Agency project).
- 2008-2009: PRECO: Competition Among Telecommunication Providers (within the EuroNF Network of Excellence).
- 2007 : DisPairSe: Secure peer-to-peer disk (GET project).
- 2007 : CAP: Competition Among service Providers in networks (within the EuroFGI Network of Excellence).
- 2007 : IFANY: InFormAtioN theorY: New challenges and new interdisciplinary tools (INRIA Cooperative Research Action).
- 2006 (June-December): Visiting Scholar at Columbia Business School, Columbia university, New York, USA. Collaboration with Nicolás Stier-Moses on network routing games.
- 2005 : EcoMESH: collaborative extension of a MESH network (GET project).
Goal: study of different incentive mechanisms to enforce cooperation in cellular multi-hop networks. - 2005 : AUCTIONS: comparison and definition of auction mechanisms adapted to inter-domain routing (within the EuroNGI Network of Excellence).
- 2003-2004 : PRIXN€T: study, modelling and optimization of pricing methods for communication networks (INRIA Cooperative Research Action).
Academic service
Academic service
Guest Editor
Special Issue on Network Economics and Regulation in the Internet of Things in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (call for papers)
Special Issue on Net Neutrality of the Journal of Communications and Networks (call for papers)
Program co-chair
ICQT'17 9th International ICQT Workshop on Advanced Internet Charging and QoS Technology
NetGCOOP 2016 conference on Network Games, Control, and Optimization (Avignon, France, Nov 23-25)
ICQT'11 7th International ICQT Workshop on Advanced Internet Charging and QoS Technology
Technical Program Committee member:
2019: WiOpt, ICC NGNI, Algotel
2018: MobiHoc, WiOpt, IFIP Performance, NetEcon, AdHocNow
2016: NetEcon
2015: NetEcon
2014: GlobalSIP (Game Theory for Signal Processing and Communications), W-PIN+NetEcon, WNC3
2012: ValueTools, NGI, W-PIN, ICCCN (NAPE Track)
2011 and before: NGI'11, NGI'10, NGI'09, ICCCN'09 NAPE Track, ICQT'09, WNC3'08, ICCCN'08, NET-COOP 2007, ICQT'06, IBC'06, IBC'05
Reviewer for journals
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Computer Networks, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE JSAC, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Transportation Research Part B, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Performance Evaluation, Automatica, Netnomics, Operations Research, Telecommunications Policy, Telecommunication Systems, Computer Communications, Annals of Telecommunications...
PhD students
PhD students
Ahmed Ayadi (2008-2012)
Transport protocols and energy consumption in sensor networks and delay-tolerant networks
Co-advisor: David Ros, Director: Xavier Lagrange
Thesis defended in June 2012. Now R&D engineer at Worldline
Jean-Marc Vigne (2009-2012)
Competition among wireless network service providers
Director: Bruno Tuffin
Decided not to defend his thesis. Now computer engineer
Vladimir Fux (2011-2014)
Optimization of load repartition in heterogeneous networks
Director: Jean-Marie Bonnin
Now Post-doc student at Technical University of Munich
Wenjing Shuai (2013-2016)
Management of electric vehicle systems with self-interested actors
Co-advisor: Alexander Pelov
Wenjing has just defended her thesis and is on the job market!
Coordinator of the last-year specialization in networks (Rennes campus)
Curriculum of about 360 hours per student
3 main options:
- Internet of Things and of Services
- Mobile networks
- Security in networks
Coordinator/lecturer for the courses
- Network techniques and models (1st year)
- QoS and network engineering (2nd year)
- Queueing systems, network performance and reliability (2nd year)
- Performance evaluation (3rd year)
- Game Theory and applications (2nd-3rd year)