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Département LUSSI
Technopôle Brest Iroise
CS 83818, 29238 Brest Cedex 3, France
Romain Billot is an associate professor in data science at IMT Atlantique from 2016.
Romain is leading research in data mining and optimisation, with various fields of application such as as smart mobility and connected health. At IMT, Romain is in charge of statistics and machine learning lectures, and data science in general.
Before joining IMT Atlantique, Romain has spent five years as a permanent researcher at LICIT (IFSTTAR/ENTPE), after a one year post-doc at Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
R. Billot graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris (PhD, 2010) and University of Technology Compiègne (Computer Science, 2007).
Research Topics
Data Mining and Statistics
- Knowledge extraction from heterogeneous data.
- Unsupervised learning : clustering, quality, ensemble methods.
- Supervised learning
Operations Research
- Shortest Paths algorithms: stochastic aspects and speed-up techniques.
- Multi-objective optimisation and decision aiding.
Applications : smart mobility and connected health.
PhD Students
Thèses en cours :
- Flavien Lucas, Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS) et IMT Atlantique, début en octobre 2017. Sujet : Open Data, Optimisation and Simulation for smart mobility. co-encadrement à 50% avec Marc Sevaux (UBS)
- Sofian Berrouiguet, IMT Atlantique (ex Télécom Bretagne), 2016-présent (Directeur de thèse officiel, taux d’encadrement 50%). sujet : développement d’outils de bilan clinique dans la gestion du risque suicidaire pour des sujets potentiellement récidivistes. Co-direction avec Philippe Lenca.
- Julien Salotti, INSA Lyon, 2014-présent (participation non officielle à l’équipe d’encadrement). Sujet : analyse spatiotemporelle de données trafic. Co-encadrement avec Nour-Eddin El Faouzi (IFSTTAR), Christine Solnon et Serge Fenet, LIRIS (INSA Lyon).
Thèses soutenues :
- Maxime Guériau, Université de Lyon I, 2013-2016 (Co-encadrant de thèse, taux d’encadrement 50%). Sujet : approches auto-organisationnelles pour la modélisation et la gestion d’un trafic coopératif. Co-direction avec Salima Hassas, LIRIS (Lyon 1).
- Raphaël Delhome, ENTPE, 2013-2016 (Directeur de thèse officiel, taux d’encadrement 50%). Sujet : prise en compte de l’incertitude dans la modélisation des temps de parcours et les calculs de plus courts chemins. Co-direction avec Nour-Eddin El Faouzi.
- Pierre-Antoine Laharotte, ENTPE, 2013-2016 (Directeur de thèse officiel, taux d’encadrement 50%). Sujet : caractérisation météo-sensible de l’état du trafic et méthodes de prévision. Co-direction avec Nour-Eddin El Faouzi. Prix ABERTIS 2017 de la meilleure thèse.
- Fouad Baouche, ENTPE-Université de Lyon, 2012-2015 (Encadrant IFSTTAR, taux d’encadrement 30%). Sujet : optimisation des itinéraires de véhicules électriques. Thèse soutenue le 2 Juin 2015 (co-encadrement avec Nour-Eddin El Faouzi et Rochdi Trigui).
- Julien Monteil, ENTPE-Université de Lyon, 2011-2014 (participation non officielle à l’équipe d’encadrement) . Sujet : investigating the effects of cooperative vehicles on highway traffic flow homogeneization: analytical and simulation studies. Thèse soutenue le 29 Janvier 2014. Prix ABERTIS 2014 de la meilleure thèse.
Teaching at IMT Atlantique
- Enseignant principal du cours statistiques en formation FIG, filière F3B ;
- Enseignant principal du cours fouille de données ;
- Responsable de l’UV « approche intégrée de l’ingénierie des services » en filière F3B ;
- Enseignements en cours de machine learning, algorithmique, modèles graphiques probabilistes en FIG et FIP (environ 40h).
- Enseignant principal du cours classification non supervisée en Master CSDS. Intervention en cours big data analytics.
- Formation sur le logiciel de statistiques et d’analyse de données R à destination des enseignants chercheurs de TELECOM Bretagne (15h).
- Encadrement de projets de fin d’études, projets libres, inter-semestre, et stages étudiants étrangers.
Publications in international journals
In press :
Delhome, R., Billot, R., & El Faouzi, N. E. (2017). Travel time statistical modeling with the Halphen distribution family. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, (just-accepted).
Berrouiguet, Sofian, et al. "Ecological Assessment of Clinicians’ Antipsychotic Prescription Habits in Psychiatric Inpatients: A Novel Web-and Mobile Phone–Based Prototype for a Dynamic Clinical Decision Support System. Journal of medical Internet research 19.1 (2017).
Guériau, M., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N-.E., Monteil, J., Armetta, F., Hassas, S.. How to assess the benefits of connected vehicles? A simulation framework for the design of cooperative traffic management strategies. Transportation Research Part C : emerging technologies. 67, 266 – 279, 2016.
Delhome, R. Billot, R., Duret, A. & El-Faouzi, N.-E.. The Halphen Distribution System, a Toolbox for Modeling Travel Time Variability: some insights based on mesoscopic simulation. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2490, 32-40, 2015.
Baouche, F., Billot, R., Trigui, R., & El Faouzi, N.-E. Efficient Allocation of Electric Vehicles Charging Stations: Optimization Model and Application to a Dense Urban Network. Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE, 6(3), 33-43. 2014.
Laharotte, P.A., Billot, R., Côme, E. , Oukhellou, L, Nantes, A., El Faouzi, N.-E. Spatiotemporal Analysis of Bluetooth Data: Application to a Large Urban Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (99) : 1-10, 2014.
Dinh, T. U. J., Billot, R., Pillet, E., & El Faouzi, N.-E. Real-Time Queue-End Detection on Freeways with Floating Car Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2470(1), 46-56. 2014.
Monteil, J., Billot, R., Sau, J., & El Faouzi, N.-E.Linear and weakly nonlinear stability analyses of cooperative car-following models. Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 15(5), 2001-2013. 2014.
Sau, J., Monteil, J., Billot, R., & El Faouzi, N.-E. The root locus method: application to linear stability analysis and design of cooperative car-following models. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2(1), 60-82. 2014.
Monteil, J., Billot, R., Sau, J., Buisson, C., & El Faouzi, N.-E. Calibration, Estimation, and Sampling Issues of Car-Following Parameters. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2422), 131-140. 2014.
Monteil, J., Nantes, A., Billot, R., & Sau, J. Microscopic cooperative traffic flow: calibration and simulation based on a next generation simulation dataset. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 8(6), 519-525. 2014.
Monteil, J., Billot, R., Sau, J., Armetta, F., Hassas, S., & El Faouzi, N.-E.. Cooperative Highway Traffic: Multiagent Modeling and Robustness Assessment of Local Perturbations. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2391), 1-10. 2013.
Billot, R., Chalons, C., De Vuyst, F., El Faouzi, N.-E., Sau, J. A conditionally linearly stable second order traffic model derived from a Vlasov kinetic description. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, CR. Mécanique. Doi:10.1016/j.crme.2010.07.018. 2010.
Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Sau, J., De Vuyst, F. Integrating the Impact of Rain into Traffic Management: Online Traffic State Estimation Using Sequential Monte Carlo Techniques. Transportation Research Records: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol 2169, ISSN 0361-1981, pp. 141-149, 2010.
El Faouzi, N.-E., De Mouzon, O., Billot, R., & Sau, J.. Assessing the changes in operating traffic stream conditions due to weather conditions. Advances in Transp. Studies J. A, 21, pp. 33-46. 2010.
El Faouzi, N.-E., Billot, R. , Bouzebda, S. Motorway travel time prediction based on toll data and weather effect integration. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol 4, issue 4, pp. 338-345, 2010.
Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., De Vuyst, F. A Multilevel Assessment of Rain Impact on Drivers' Behaviors: Standardized Methodology and Empirical Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol 2107., ISSN 0361-1981, pp. 134-142, 2009.
Other Journals
El Faouzi, N.-E., Buton, J., & Billot, R. Impacts de la météorologie sur la demande de trafic. RTS: Recherche transports sécurité, (29). 2013.
Monteil, J., Billot, R., & El Faouzi, N.-E.. Véhicules Coopératifs Pour Une Gestion Dynamique Du Trafic: Approche Théorique Et Simulation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, (29), p.47. 2013
Laharotte, P. A., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Flux de circulation: Bluetooth, une technologie aux dents longues ! Transports : revue bimestrielle, No. 486 (2014), pp. 5-13
Habart, M. et Janssen, J. (Ed.). Le big data pour les companies d’assurance. ISTE Editions, 2017, A paraître.
El Faouzi, N.-E. (Ed.). Real-time monitoring, surveillance and control of road networks under adverse weather conditions: State of the Art and best practices. Collection Recherche, R.283, Co-édition INRETS-COST. Décembre 2010.
El Faouzi, N.-E. and Heilmann B. (Ed.). Real-time monitoring, surveillance and control of road networks under adverse weather conditions: Advances in Modeling and weather-sensitive traffic management. Collection Recherche, Co-édition INRETS-COST. Septembre 2012.
Proceedings in peer-reviewed international conferences
Laharotte, P.-A., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Detection of non-recurrent road traffic events based on clustering indicators. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning Bruges (Belgium), ESANN, 26 - 28 April 2017
Guériau, M., Hassas, S., & Armetta, Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., A constructivist approach for a self-adaptive decision-making system: application to road traffic control. Accepted at the 28th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Nov 6-8 2016, San Jose, California.
Guillodo, E., Berrouiguet, S., Simonnet, M., Conejero, I., Courtet, P., Baca-Garcia, E., Billot, R. & Walter, M. (2016, September). Suicide Sleep Monitoring (SSleeM): a feasibility and acceptability study of a wearable sleep tracking monitoring device in suicide attempters. In ESSSB 2016: 16th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal behaviour.
Simonnet, M., Gourvennec, B. & Billot, R. Heart rate sensors acceptability : data reliability vs. ease of use. In BSN : Body Sensor Network Conference. 14-17 june 2016 San Francisco, California, United States, pp. 94-98.
Simonnet, M., Gourvennec, B. & Billot, R. (2016). Connected heart rate sensors to monitor sleep quality. In CHASE : IEEE First Conference on Connected Health : Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies, IEEE Computer Society, 27-29 june 2016, Washington, United States, pp. 344-345.
Berrouiguet, S., Billot , R., Lenca, P., Tanguy, P. et Baca-garcia , E., Simonnet, M. & Gourvennec, B. Toward E-Health Applications for Suicide Prevention. In CHASE : IEEE First Conference on Connected Health : Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies, IEEE Computer Society, 27-29 june 2016, Washington, United States, pp. 346-347.
Delhome R., Billot R., and El Faouzi N.-E. Calibration of Time-Dependent Contraction Hierarchies based on Sensitivity Analysis. In 28th European Conference on Operations Research (EURO), Poznan, Poland (2016).
Kovalev, S., Billot, R. An exact method for multi-objective multi-modal trip planning problem, In 28th European Conference on Operations Research (EURO), Poznan, Poland (2016).
Billot, R., TEMPUS : an open-source multi-modal trip planner. European Conference of Operations Research (EURO), Glasgow, 12-16 July 2015.
Guériau, M., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Hassas, S., & Armetta X2V-based information dissemination for highway congestion reduction. Proceedings of the 2015 EWGT conference, à paraître dans Transportation Research Procedia, 2015.
Laharotte, P. A., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., & Rakha, H. A. Network-Wide Traffic State Prediction Using Bluetooth Data. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting. 2015.[1]
Delhome, R., Billot, R. & El Faouzi, N.-E.. Moment-Ratio Diagram and Travel Time Reliability: Empirical Study on Urban and Periurban Links. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR) in Nara, Japan. 2015.
Delhome, R., Billot, R., Duret, A., & El Faouzi, N.-E.. The Halphen Distribution System, a Toolbox for Modeling Travel Time Variability: Some Insights Based on Mesoscopic Simulation. In Proceedings of theTransportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting. 2015.
Guériau, M., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Hassas, S., & Armetta, F. Multi-Agent Dynamic Coupling for Cooperative Vehicles Modeling. In Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2015.
Gueriau, M., Billot, R., Monteil J., El Faouzi, N.-E, Hassas, S. & Armetta, F. Agent-Based Cooperative Traffic Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting. 2015.
Billot, R., Faouzi, E., Guériau, M., & Monteil, J. Can C-ITS lead to the Emergence of Traffic Management 2.0?. In Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on (pp. 483-488). IEEE. 2014.
Baouche, F., Billot, R., Trigui, R., Faouzi, E., & El Faouzi, N.-E Electric Vehicle Shortest Path Problem with Replenishment Constraint. Proceedings of the IEEE ICCVE 2014 conference, Vienna, Austria.
Guériau, M., Billot, R., Hassas, S., Armetta, F., & El Faouzi, N.-E.. An extension of MovSim for Multi-Agent Cooperative Vehicles Modeling. 2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo. Vienne, Austria.
Baouche, F., Billot, R., Trigui, R., El Faouzi, N.-E. Electric Vehicle green routing with possible en-route recharging. In Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on (pp. 2787-2792). IEEE. 2014.
Gueriau, M., Billot, R., & El Faouzi, N.-E. Flocking behavior based microscopic cooperative traffic modeling: Simulation studies, in Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of Transport Simulation (ISTS), Ajaccio, France. 2014.
Laharotte, P. A., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., 2014, How to filter transportation modes with Bluetooth data ? A case study on the Brisbane network. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of Transport Simulation (ISTS), Ajaccio, France. 2014.
Delhome, R., Billot, R. & El Faouzi, N.-E.. Investigating travel time reliability: empirical study based on Portland Bluetooth data. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Transport Simulation (ISTS) in Ajaccio, France. 2014
Monteil, J., Billot, R., Sau, J., El Faouzi, N.-E., Calibration, Estimation, and Sampling Issues of Car-Following Parameters, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2014.
Dinh, J., Billot, R., Pillet, E., El Faouzi, N.-E., Real-Time Queue-End Detection on Freeways with FCD: Practice: A Practice-Ready Algorithm, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2014.
Baouche, F., Billot, R., Trigui, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Optimization Model for Efficient Allocation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: Application to a Dense Urban Network Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2014.
Nantes, A., Billot, R., Miska, M., Chung, E., Bayesian Inference on Traffic Volume Based on Bluetooth data. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2013.
Monteil, J., Billot, R., Sau, J., and El Faouzi. N.-E., Cooperative highway traffic : multi-agent modelling and robustness assessment to local perturbations. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2013.
Alfelor, R., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., and Pisano, P., Approaches and Gaps in Weather Responsive Traffic Management – US and European Perspectives. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2013.
Canaud, M., Mihaylova, L., El Faouzi, N.-E., Billot, R., and Sau, J., A Bayesian Approach to Real-time Traffic State Estimation using Particle PHD with Appropriate Clutter Intensity. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2013.
Sau, J., El Faouzi, N.-E., Billot, R., and Canaud, M.. Particle Filter Based Strategy For Online Calibration And Parameters' Estimation Of Motorway Traffic Model. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2013.
Monteil, J., Nantes, A., Billot, R., Sau, J., & El Faouzi, N.-E. Microscopic cooperative traffic based on NGSIM data. In 19th ITS World Congress Proceedings. ITS International. 2012.
Monteil, J., Billot, R., Rey, D., & El Faouzi, N.-E. Distributed and centralized approaches for cooperative road traffic dynamics. Transportation Research Arena conférence, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 48, 3198-3208. 2012
Billot, R., Rey, D. and Stocksieker, S. Multiobjective shortest paths in multimodal networks. Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS2011), 2011.
Monteil, J., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Towards cooperative traffic management: methodological issues and perspectives. Australasian Transport Research Forum Proceedings 28 - 30 September 2011, Adelaide, Australia. 2011.
Tsubota, T., Chung, E., Bhaskar, A., Billot R. Arterial traffic congestion analysis using Bluetooth Duration data. Proceedings of the 34th Australasian Transport Research Forum. Adelaide, Australia. 2011
Billot, R., De Vuyst, F., El Faouzi, N.-E., How does the fundamental diagram affect traffic characterization in a kinetic modeling? Some evidence and weather effects integration. Summer Meeting of the TRB Traffic Flow Theory Committee, Annecy, France, July 7-9, 2010.
Bousquet, A., Sau, J., El Faouzi; N.-E., Billot, R., Frequency-based characteristics of urban traffic and space-state modelling for travel time estimation, 5th IMA Conference on Mathematics in Transport , London (U.K.), 12-14 April, 2010.
El Faouzi, N-.E-, Billot, R., Nurmi, P., Nowotny B. Effects of adverse weather on traffic and safety: State of the art and the European initiative. 15th SIRWEC conference, Quebec City from February 5th to 7th 2010.
Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Sau, J., De Vuyst, F. Integrating the Impact of Rain into Traffic Management: Online Traffic State Estimation Using Sequential Monte Carlo Techniques, Proceedings of the 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB), Washington (USA) , 10-16 January, 2010.
Billot R., N.-E. El Faouzi N.-E., De Vuyst F. A Multilevel Assessment of Rain Impact on Drivers' Behaviors: Standardized Methodology and Empirical Analysis. Proceedings of the 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB), Washington (USA), 11-15 January, 2009.
El Faouzi, N.-E., Billot, R. , Bouzebda, S. Spatio-temporal search algorithm and weather impact integration for travel time prediction based on motorway toll data. Proceedings of the 16th ITS world congress, Stockholm, 21-25 September, 2009.
Billot, R. Integrating the effects of adverse weather on traffic: methodology, empirical analyses and simulation. ECTRI Young researcher seminar 2009, Torino, 5-9 June 2009.
El Faouzi N.-E., O. De Mouzon and R. Billot, Toward Weather-Responsive Traffic Management on French Motorways, In proceedings of the fourth national conference on surface transportation weather, Transportation Research E-Circular Issue Number: E-C126, Indianapolis, 2008, pp 443-456.
Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Sau, J. and De Vuyst, F. How does Rain affect traffic indicators ? Empirical study on a French interurban motorway. In Proceedings of the Lakeside Conference. Klagenfurt, Austria, 2008.
Billot R., Suchier H.-M., Lallich S., Toward an Unsupervised Boosting-Like Approach, in Proceedings of the first joint meeting of the Société Francophone de Classification and the Classification and Data Analysis, Group of the Italian Society of Statistics, SFC CLADAG 2008, Caserta.
Proceedings in peer-reviewed national conferences
Guériau, M., Hassas, S., & Armetta, Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., Contrôle par apprentissage constructiviste pour le trafic coopératif. Journées Francophones des Systèmes Multi-Agents, JFSMA, 3 au 7 juillet 2017, Caen.
Salotti, J., Billot, R., El Faouzi, N. E., Fenet, S., Solnon. Vers l’utilisation de graphes de liens causaux pour l’amélioration de la prévision court-terme du trafic routier. In RFP-IA 2016 Journée Transports Intelligents.
Guériau, M., Billot, R., Armetta, F., Hassas, S., & El Faouzi, N. E.. Un simulateur multiagent de trafic coopératif. In 23es Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA'15) (pp. 165-174). Cépaduès, 2015.
Delhome, R., Billot, R. & El-Faouzi, N.-E. Recherche du plus court chemin stochastique avec des distributions de probabilité connues. In Actes de la 16ème conférence de la société française de recherche opérationnelle (ROADEF2015), Marseille, France. 2015
Baouche, F., Billot, R., Trigui, R., & El Faouzi, N. E. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Allocation Model. In ROADEF-15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision. 2014.
Billot R., Suchier H.M., Lallich S. , Une approche ensembliste inspirée du boosting en classification non supervisée, actes 8e Conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2008, Nice, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information, RNTI. pp. 361-372. 2008
Other publications
Billot R., Analyse et modélisation de l’impact de la meteorologie sur le trafic routier. Thèse de doctorat de l’Ecole Centrale de Paris. 2010.
Billot R., Une approche ensembliste inspirée du boosting en classification non supervisée. Mémoire de Master Recherche, Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC). 2007.
Billot R., Performance Tests einer Wissensmanagement Applikation, Rapport de stage (en langue allemande), Stage ingénieur longue durée pour PUMACY technologies (Berlin, Germany). 2006.
Monteil, J., Billot R., Techniques de stabilité pour la modélisation des effets des systèmes cooperatifs sur le trafic. Rapport technique, LICIT, ENTPE-IFSTTAR, Avril 2012.
[1] Le taux de sélection de la conférence TRB (Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting) se situe entre 20 et 50%, selon les comités. Cette conférence est également classée A en France dans la section 27 informatique. Il est possible de soumettre une version retravaillée de l’article pour la revue transportation research records. Le taux de sélection se situe alors entre 20 et 25%.