Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures (Cyber CNI) Chair

Launched in January 2016 as part of the Cluster of Cyber Excellence initiative, IMT's Cyber Security Chair contributes to the development  of research and education activities in a field which is today a national priority: the cyber security of critical infrastructures (energy networks, industrial processes, water production plants, financial systems...).

A context OF national IMPORTANCE

In a world that is increasingly connected and dependent on information and communication systems, many components, such as sensors or industrial robots are now connected to the Internet.  In this extensive "cyberspace", cyber security of critical infrastructures (water production plants, energy networks, industrial processes, financial systems...) is an issue of major importance which is a priority for today's government.

This is a real challenge for French researchers, whose current work is increasingly focused on this topic. In this context, the Chair of Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures offers to bring together researchers specialised in cyber security and architects of industrial systems in order to develop scientifically validated solutions.



Information systems' security policies are currently deployed staticallystatic. Having a methodology which allows security policies to be updated dynamically has become a necessity in a highly connected infrastructure. The goal of this chair is to develop a theoretical and experimental framework to specify and manage a security policy capable of dynamically adapting to changes in the risk environmentnew risks or attacks.
To this end, our research is carried out along four lines:

  • Advanced data analysis for cyber security
  • Definition of metrics for analysing security risks
  • Responding to multiple coordinated events
  • Data collection, generation and access for cyber security

The results of this research will be of interest for several sectors, such as:

  1. industrial testing systems
  2. vehicular applications
  3. major communication networks
  4. le cloud computing


Along with the Brittany Regional Council, which has invested in this research area (particularly within the framework of the cluster of Cyber Excellence), eight industrial partners have agreed to contribute financially to this chair: Airbus Defence and Space, Amossys, BNP Paribas, EDF, La Poste, Nokia, Orange and the Société Générale Group.

Beyond their direct interest in the anticipated scientific advances, these partners benefit from a wider pool of experts, capable of responding to their growing needs in the area of cyber security of critical infrastructures. The civil and military duality of this field also enables us to work closely with governmental defence agencies. This chair contributes to the influence of the cluster of Cyber Excellence, a joint venture between the State and different players in public research in cyber security, including IMT Atlantique on behalf of the Institut Mines-Telecom.


This chair is managed by IMT Atlantique in collaboration with Telecom ParisTech and Telecom SudParis. It hosts internationally known researchers in the cyber security field, organises international symposiums and aims to strengthen cooperation with other international chairs in the same field. Financial contributions from industrial partners are managed by the Mines-Telecom Foundation, which is involved in developing long term partnerships between IMT, its schools and industrial partners, on major technological and societal issues surrounding digital technology.

This chair provides IMT students with the opportunity to develop unique expertise in cyber security of critical infrastructures, a field where the need for skills will become crucial for the industrial and service sectors, from innovative SMEs to large industrial groups.

Supervisor of the chair at IMT Atlantique:

  • Marc-Oliver Pahl, research director in the Department of Network Systems, Cyber Security and Digital Law