Modelisation, Characterisation and Management of Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves Chair (C2M)

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Institut Mines-Telecom's C2M Chair was created in January 2015 by Orange Labs and is operated by Telecom ParisTech and IMT Atlantique under the auspices of the Mines-Telecom Foundation.
It contributes to the characterisation, analysis and modelisation of exposure to electromagnetic waves incurred by telecommunications systems and networks and also studies the perceived risk related to such exposure.


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Wireless communications systems are very widely used today and the development of the internet of things will reinforce this trend. This increasing use has been accompanied by scientific and societal debate with regard to the communicating person in the midst of these new technologies and trends. The analysis of interactions between waves and people, and more particularly the identification of the possible impact of exposure to radio frequency waves on health is a major issue which necessitates the development of tools and procedures to evaluate and characterise the impacts.

The research carried out within the C2M Chair is part of a multidisciplinary framework: 

  1. Scientific: digital computation, statistics, advanced electromagnetic modelisation,
  2. Technological: antennas, network architectures, probes,
  3. Societal: trends and sociology, perceived risk, regulations.

 This chair's work covers five areas of research with specific goals in each one:

1. Digital and experimental dosimetry

  • Developing and adapting digital procedures for digital dosimetry and (digital-experimental) hybrids

  • Developing tools for creating digital models of human beings

  • Developing and adapting augmented measurement procedures for dosimetry


2. Stochastic dosimetry and statistical procedures

  • Developing and adapting digital procedures for digital dosimetry and (digital-experimental) hybrids

  • Developing tools for creating digital models of human beings

  • Developing and adapting augmented measurement procedures for dosimetry


3. The influence of technologies and network architectures on exposure

  • Developing procedures for characterisation of the general exposure of a population


4. Standardisation of exposure evaluation procedures

  • Contributing to the development of norms and protocols


5. Researching the parameters governing perceived risk.


For more information: C2M Chair


  • Télécom ParisTech

          The COMELEC Department (Communications and Electronics)

                                   Alain Sibille - Lecturer

                                   Xavier Begaud - Lecturer

                                   Anne-Claire Lepage – Senior Lecturer

                                   Christophe Roblin - Lecturer

          The TSI Department (Signal and Image Processing)

                                   Isabelle Bloch – Lecturer

                                   Elsa Angelini – Senior Lecturer

  • IMT Atlantique

The Microwaves Department

                                   Christian Person – Lecturer

                                   François Gallée – Senior Lecturer

                                   Francesco Andriulli – Lecturer

                                   Francesco Ferranti – Senior Lecturer

  • Associate Researchers

                                   Thierry  Sarrebourse – R&D Engineer (Orange Labs) 

                                    Abdelhamid Hadjem – R&D Engineer (Orange Labs)