The objective of the IoTAD-CEO Chair (French research consortium) is to carry out a series of upstream studies and to develop tools for the design of tomorrow's communication systems by integrating automatic learning objectives.
The IoTAD-CEO Endowed Chair held by Tadashi Matsumoto, professor at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), has obtained the support of Labex Cominlabs. It will be co-directed by Elsa Dupraz, Senior Lecturer in the Signal and Communications Department.
The Labex and IMT Atlantique will support Professor Matsumoto's research activities and stays in France. The school will host him 4 months per year from 2021 to 2024.
The Chair will also aim to give courses in the fields of information theory and the design of digital communication systems, as well as to to organise a thematic course around the connections between information theory and automatic learning.
Samir Saoudi, head of the SC department
Elsa Dupraz, IoT-CEO manager
Tadashi Matsumoto, scientific director of the research consortium
Website : IoTad-CEO Chair
Contact : Elsa Dupraz, département SC